Appendix - ARP 12.71-A - ALCC Facility Utilization and Scheduling Guidelines

Appendix Details

Responsible Executive: President
Responsible Administrator: Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 8/13/2019

12.71 - Academic Facility Utilization and Scheduling

Appendix A - Alamogordo Campus
Part 3:  Scheduling Guidelines

  1. Classroom Scheduling Priorities
    First priority for scheduling classrooms is given to credit-bearing courses. Class meeting times must be scheduled using standard time blocks as defined in section B. Classrooms are assigned to best  match room capacity with class  enrollment. Second priority for room scheduling is given to events  and non-credit courses.
  2. Standard Time Blocks
    To ensure ease of access for students who are having to build a schedule of classes with the least amount of conflict,  and efficient utilization of classroom space on all days of the week, standard  time blocks have been established. Classes should start on a standard time block. Request for non-standard class start times must be  approved by the Division Head and Vice President for Academic  Affairs (VPAA). Standard time blocks are  determined by the Office of Academic Affairs. Classes that have not been assigned a classroom are listed as TBA in  the Schedule of Classes until a classroom  and time can be assigned. All class schedule information is entered into the Student Information  System to reflect accurate course, faculty and space related information.
  3. Course Capacities
    When scheduling classes, accurate course capacities should be included. Inaccurate course  capacities negatively impacts space utilization analytics and skews predictive scheduling analytics.  Course capacity should be a function  of instructional design and pedagogy, and should rarely be set at zero (0) or at a specific room size. No instructor or Division may allow the occupancy of a  classroom to exceed the limit specified by fire safety codes. The classroom capacity is fixed in the  Student Information System and Scheduling Software System. It is the responsibility of the Division and the instructor to ensure that actual attendance does not exceed classroom capacity.
  4. Room and Time Changes
    Division Head and VPAA approvals are required for any day and time change requests after students have begun to  register for the term the class is being offered.
  5. Class Cancellations
    Classes are cancelled in the Student Information System by the Office of Academic Affairs. When  classes are  cancelled, an automated email is sent the next day notifying the student of the  cancellation. Lists of affected students are sent to the Divisions and to Student Services. 
  6. Final Examinations
    Final written examinations, not to exceed two hours duration, are given only at the times and days  established and published by the Office of Academic Affairs. Final examinations are generally held in the same room as class meetings. Changes in classroom location must be arranged through the  Office of Academic Affairs. Examination times and days are noted on the Campus web page.
  7. Specialized Classroom Needs
    Needs for a specialized facility, such as laboratory demonstrations and unique media needs, are  considered and accommodated whenever possible. Media-equipped classrooms are assigned on a  space available basis.  Departments needing a specific classroom should indicate these needs in the “Notes” section of the schedule proofs.
  8. Maintenance and Development of Classroom Technology in Instructional Space
    Classroom space is maintained by the Facilities Department. Technology (computers, audio visual,  etc.) in  instructional spaces is maintained by Information Technology Services (ITS). 
  9. Accommodation/Accessibility (American with Disabilities Act Compliance)
    Arrangements can be made for the change of an academic classroom due to documented  accommodation and/or accessibility issues. Changes of this nature should be handled by the  Accessibility Services office, the Division Head, and the Office of Academic Affairs.
  10. Use of Classroom Space for Non-Class Event Purposes
    The Office of Academic Affairs will schedule classroom space for events. However, class meetings  always have priority.
  11. Construction/Renovation
    During periods of construction/renovation or in the event of an emergency, the Campus President or the Vice President for Academic Affairs may authorize exceptions to scheduling policies.
  12. Conflict Resolution
    Scheduling conflicts will be resolved by the Office of Academic Affairs in consultation with the course Division Head. Space utilization and pedagogical issues will be considered in any conflict resolution.