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Appendix - ARP 4.81–B Community College Approval Sequence for Curricular Credentials

Appendix Details

Responsible Executive: President
Responsible Administrator: Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 07/15/2021

(Proposed Provisional Revision)

Community College Approval Sequence for New Programs Table
Community College Approval Sequence for New Programs
Approval Body Applied Associate Degree/Major Associate Degree/ Major Certificate Concentration
CC Department Faculty   X X X X
CC Department Head X X X X
CC College Curriculum Committee X X X X
CC Academic Dean or Division Head X X X X
CC Academic VP X X X X
CC President   X X X X
CC Academic Vice Presidents Committee (CCAVP) X X X X
University Program Academic Committee (UPAC)   X    
NMSU Board of Regents X X    
NM Higher Education Dept. (NMHED) X X X  
Higher Learning Commission (HLC) X X X X


Community College Approval Sequence for Curriculum Changes Table
Community College Approval Sequence for Curriculum Changes
Approval Body Applied Associate Degree/Major Associate Degree/ Major Certificate Concentration
CC Department Faculty   X X X X
CC Department Head X X X X
CC College Curriculum Committee X X X X
CC Academic Dean or Division Head X X X X
CC Academic VP X X X X
CC President          
CC Academic Vice Presidents Committee (CCAVP) X X X X
University Program Academic Committee (UPAC)        
NM Higher Education Dept. (NMHED) If needed If needed If needed  
Higher Learning Commission (HLC) If needed If needed If needed If needed

  Depending on campus approval structure. On some campuses, the College Curriculum Committee represents the faculty
  In light of administrative changes implemented in August of 2020, this approval level refers to the DACC President for programs at DACC or to the Branch Executive Director for programs at the Alamogordo, Carlsbad or Grants campuses.