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12.30 – Capital Projects

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: Vice President Administration and Finance
Responsible Administrator: AVP Facilities and Services
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 11/14/2017


Facilities and Services is charged by the Board of Regents with the responsibility to plan, manage, and oversee all capital outlay construction projects for all locations within the university system. In addition, Facilities and Services will be responsible for any work which is competitively bid for a construction activity (as defined by the Construction Industries Division of the New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department).


  1. All capital projects that fall under the following categories must be submitted to the Board of Regents for approval:
    1. Purchases of real property unless otherwise delegated pursuant to ARP 12.90 NMSU Real Estate;
    2. Any project which results in the addition of square footage, whether from the construction of a new facility or of building addition or of purchase or portable buildings;
    3. Any proposal to issue bonds;
    4. Any alteration or site improvement over $300,000 for an institution with an FTE enrollment of over 1,500; and
    5. Any demolition of an existing building.
  2. Any change in the size of the project of 10 percent or over 1,000 net assignable square feet, whichever is larger; a 10 percent change in the type or purpose of planned space; or a change in the total project cost of 10 percent or $100,000, whichever is larger, shall be resubmitted to the Board of Regents for approval prior to authorizing the additional expenditure.


The Board of Regents authorizes the vice president administration and finance (or designee) to act on its behalf to award construction contracts to the lowest responsible bidder consistent with applicable law.


In order to assist the vice president administration and finance in the selection of an architect and/or engineer for a capital outlay project, a selection committee established by Facilities and Services will solicit inquiries and screen potential firms through a request for proposal (RFP). This process shall be in accordance with New Mexico procurement code (13-1-28 through 13-1-199 NMSA 1978). The members of the selection committee will send individual evaluation sheets to the associate vice president for facilities and services for the three most qualified firms. The associate vice president for facilities and services will review the assessments of the selection committee members and develop a final tabulation sheet, which will be available for public review. The associate vice president for facilities and services will then select a firm to design the capital outlay project with approval from the vice president administration and finance.

The Board of Regents authorizes the university administration to select professional design firms to design small public works projects on campus. A small public works project shall be defined as one with fees between $50,000 and $100,000. The selection of these firms shall be through the same procedure as above and the number of firms selected shall be in accordance with NMSA 13-1-153 and NMSA 13-1-154. Utilization of services under these awards shall be administered through a university professional service contract for each project and approved by the director of procurement services and the assistance vice president for facilities and services or their designee(s). These firms will be selected through the same procedure as detailed above and in accordance with New Mexico Procurement Code (13-1-28 through 13-1-199 NMSA 1978).

Architects and engineers may also be employed for small maintenance remodel projects via professional service contracts as specified in the New Mexico Procurement Code (13-1-28 through 13-1-199 NMSA 1978) when approved by the director of procurement services and the associate vice president for facilities and services.

The Board of Regents authorizes the university administration to negotiate architect’s and/or engineer’s fees in all cases. The vice president administration and finance, in coordination with the associate vice president for facilities and services, reserves the right to terminate any capital project contract for nonperformance of duties.



ARP 12.90 – NMSU Real Estate

Revision History:

11/14/2017 Amendment approved by Chancellor
2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 9.10
08/22/2011 Amendment approved by Board of Regents