12.66 – Vehicle Assignments

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: Vice President Administration and Finance
Responsible Administrator: Director Auxiliary Operations
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 07/20/2010

It is the intent of NMSU to own and operate the fewest number of motor vehicles as possible to achieve the mission of the university without creating a hardship for any college, NMSU entity, or process. Accordingly, these Vehicle Assignment Rules focuses on the most effective and efficient utilization of university-owned vehicles.


  1. Daily Vehicle Assignment: A university vehicle under the exclusive control of an employee for the purpose of performing assigned work duties and responsibilities during the workday but generally not authorized for take-home use.
  2. NMSU Entity Vehicle: A university vehicle not assigned to an employee or part of the Transportation Services’ Vehicle Fleet.
  3. Limited Vehicle Assignment: A university vehicle under the exclusive control of an employee for the purpose of performing assigned work duties and responsibilities and authorized for take-home use limited to commuting.
  4. Police/Fire Mission-Critical Vehicle: Consists of emergency vehicles which include fully-equipped and clearly marked police and fire vehicles. When used for undercover work, this will include unmarked law enforcement vehicles. These vehicles will remain on campus during non-working hours unless prior authorization has been obtained.
  5. Vehicle Commuting: The use of a university vehicle for traveling between the employee’s home and the designated place(s) of work.


  1. The NMSU entities and their respective employees are responsible for ensuring the operation and maintenance of university vehicles is in compliance with the University’s Fleet Asset Management Program, including the Vehicle Use Procedures.
  2. Assignment of a university vehicle must be for the convenience of the university and not for the convenience of an employee. Personal use of a university vehicle, including Vehicle Commuting, is not allowed unless otherwise allowed per these Vehicle Assignment Rules.
  3. Individual vehicle assignments shall be limited to the following: Daily Vehicle Assignment, Limited Vehicle Assignment or Police/Fire Mission-Critical Vehicle Assignment.
  4. Eligibility for Daily Vehicle Assignment is restricted to employees meeting at least one of the following criteria:
    1. Drive more than 6,000 business miles per year.
    2. Position duties require daily travel to multiple destinations more than 10 miles from the employee’s primary place of business.
    3. Position duties require the routine transport of at least two (2) or more employees.
    4. Position duties require the routine transport of specific equipment, materials, and tools necessary for the completion of assigned tasks.
  5. Eligibility for Limited Vehicle Assignment is restricted to employees meeting the requirements of Daily Vehicle Assignment AND whose position duties routinely require travel directly to a remote site from their home at least two (2) times per week.
  6. Police/Fire Mission-Critical Vehicles will only be operated during working hours by authorized operators. With prior approval, police and fire vehicles may be used for commuting and/or personal purposes when the assigned employee is required to respond to emergencies at the time of the vehicle is in use. Such anticipated commuting and/or personal use must be clearly outlined and approved on the Vehicle Assignment Authorization Form.
  7. All University-owned vehicles must be returned to campus or the designated place of work when the assigned employee will be on leave for more than five (5) days. Any requested exception to this requirement must be clearly outlined and fully approved on the Vehicle Assignment Authorization Form.
  8. When employees need to travel on university business and an NMSU Entity Vehicle is not available or appropriate, vehicle rental arrangements can be coordinated through the Office of Transportation and Parking Services or from a commercial rental agency. In addition, the Business Procedures Manual at Section 5.C. 05.55 addresses reimbursement of mileage for use of personal vehicles for conducting university business.
  9. NMSU Entity Vehicles will be kept to a minimum.


  1. Employee vehicle assignments must be approved by the employee’s dean/vice president and the vice president administration and finance. Such approval shall be initiated by completing and submitting a Vehicle Assignment Authorization form available at: Vehicle Assignment Authorization.
  2. The provost and chief academic officer and the vice president administration and finance will establish a maximum number of vehicles authorized for each NMSU entity. Purchase Requisitions which will increase the NMSU entity’s assigned vehicles in excess of the authorized number will be denied.
  3. Contract employees are exempt from this Rule as contractual arrangements for these employees are handled on an individual basis.
  4. When a university-owned vehicle is operated away from campus in a commuting or other personal capacity, the assigned vehicle operator will be required to submit the appropriate paperwork for determination of the taxability of the personal use. Refer to BPM Section 7.05 regarding personal use of university vehicles.
  5. The Office of Treasury Services will be responsible for determining the appropriate valuation method to be used for tax reporting purposes. Such determination will be made at the time the vehicle assignment is approved and noted on the Vehicle Assignment Authorization Form.
  6. No less than once a year, the Office of Transportation and Parking Services will provide the vice president administration and finance with a vehicle listing including assignment type, annual mileage and eligibility status for continued assignment. Employees no longer eligible for a previously approved vehicle assignment will receive written notification.



Revision History:

2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 9.33
07/20/2010 Amendment approved by Board of Regents
07/29/2009 Policy adoption ratified by Board of Regents
07/14/2009 Policy approved by Administrative Council