12.75 – Facility Space Use Management and Procedures

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: Vice President Administration and Finance
Responsible Administrator: AVP Facilities and Services
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 03/13/2019


Facilities Space Planning (FSP) is charged with the responsibility to provide the data and analysis to ensure that facility space owned by the NMSU Board of Regents (NMSU) is being used to its full potential and allocated fairly. This rule recognizes the authority of the Space Committee, established by the NMSU President in 2013, and provides the NMSU system with the rules and procedures governing changes in space allocation and use proposed by the major administrative units.


  1. Allocation and re-allocation: The current and future assignment of space based upon measured need.
  2. FSP: Facilities Space Planning, within Facilities & Services (FS) University Architect & Space Management.
  3. FTE: Full time equivalent.
  4. GSF: Gross Square Footage. The entire square footage of a building including both assignable and non-assignable space.
  5. HED: Higher Education Department.
  6. LFC: Legislative Finance Committee.
  7. Major Administrative Unit (MAU): All units with a direct report either to the president, Chancellor – NMSU System Community College or the provost, pursuant to the official NMSU organizational chart.
  8. NASF: Net Assignable Square Footage. All square footage other than unassignable square footage which includes: mechanical and electrical rooms, custodial closets, public restrooms, hallways, stairwells and elevators.
  9. Space Standards/Guidelines: Benchmarks used to establish a reference square footage. Benchmarks may be based on student and/or employee FTE as well as other means such as budgeted dollars.


  1. Facility/Building Inventory: FSP will maintain the official list of all university owned and leased buildings using the officially designated building names, numbers, acronyms and physical addresses. All departments and personnel shall use this master list when referencing any university building.
  2. Official Space/Room Numbers: FSP will assign new building numbers whenever necessary for all newly built or leased buildings and for previously unidentified university property.
  3. Facility/Building Names: Building names will be assigned or changed only with the approval of the Board of Regents, and recorded by FSP. (See ARP 18.10- Namings)
  4. Data Management and Reporting: FSP will provide data, analysis, and guidance as needed to deans, department heads, and other administrative heads to assist them in best utilizing the space within their organizational units.
    1. FSP will maintain and analyze the data necessary to ensure the current and future equitable allocation of all university space resources. The data will include but not be limited to a comprehensive inventory of all university buildings and rooms, accurate digitized floor plans, and the analysis tools necessary to effectively manage space.
    2. FSP will maintain in its database the official room numbers for all accessible spaces of the university. FSP will use the standardized room numbering system developed by its predecessor, the Office of Facility Data Management.
    3. FSP will prepare the annual BRR report for the Higher Education Department, the facilities component of the IDC report, as well as any other ad hoc space related reports that are requested.
    4. FSP will periodically publish its most recent data, including comparative analysis of MAU usage and predicted needs based on adopted standards.
    5. FSP will provide ad hoc reports as requested and within the capabilities of its database.
    6. FSP will provide accurate and current data to the Registrar’s office for class scheduling purposes.
  5. Role in Capital Improvement Projects: FSP will participate in and provide input during the design phase of capital improvement projects to ensure compliance with the space standards developed by the university.
  6. Annual Space Audit: Facilities Space Planning (FSP) will perform an annual space audit to maintain the accuracy of the space inventory and floor plans. This data will be used for ongoing analysis to determine adequate space allocation.
  7. Standards and Guidelines for Square Footage Needs: FSP will use standards and guidelines determined by the university architect to determine the square footage needs of all departments for comparison to the actual square footage in use.
  8. Procedures for Space Change Requests: Any proposed or requested change in how space is allocated between colleges and/or any other major administrative unit must be forwarded to FSM for analysis and recommendation as part of the approval process.


  1. Initiation of Request: All requests for additional space beyond that which is currently allocated or for a space reassignment must utilize the FSM RFS form which will be processed in accordance with these procedures. The MAU must complete and sign the Space Change Request form, and submit to FSP for review and recommendation to the Space Committee. Requests may be submitted to FSP as an email attachment or a printed document. FSP may also act independently to identify a need to reallocate space, and initiate the FSP Space Request process, to be processed in accordance with this rule.
  2. Processing of Request: Upon receipt of a completed FSP Space Request, FSP will perform an analysis, including a comparison of existing and requested additional square footage to determine the need for new space, based upon the standards and guidelines determined by the university architect.  FSP will present its findings and recommendations, with supporting documentation attached, to the Space Committee, and send a copy to the requestor and to the head of any MAU affected by the recommendation.  The Space Committee will review the information submitted and render a decision and return it to FSP for implementation.
  3. Stipulated/Expedited Approach: To maximize efficiency and streamline operations, when there is no dispute between NMSU departments concerning a proposed change in space allocation or use, FSP is authorized to expedite the process and implement changes.
  4. Dispute Resolution: If the requestor or affected MAU or other party disputes the FSM recommendation or the Space Committee’s findings and decision, the appropriate campus president will facilitate to ensure that a decision is reached in the best interest of NMSU. At the campus president’s discretion, further review may include input from any appropriate committee or board, or additional input from the heads of the affected MAU’s.
  5. Approvals Required to Implement Change: No space will be reassigned without the official FSP Space Request form completed, the University Space Committee and the appropriate campus president’s approval.



Revision History:

03/13/2019 Amendment approved by Chancellor
2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 9.50 F.