15.13 – NMSU Account Purge

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Responsible Administrator: Chief Information Officer
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 08/22/2011


This Rule outlines the normal account purge process with respect to persons no longer affiliated with NMSU.


Former employees who have separated from the university but have not retired from the university, and former students without pending financial obligations, must have their NMSU account purged.

  1. Once separation from NMSU occurs, the NMSU account shall remain active for one year.
  2. After one year, email notifications of the impending purge shall be sent to the NMSU account.
  3. Under certain circumstances, at the direction of the President, provost, senior vice presidents, CIO, or assistant vice president for human resource services, the NMSU account shall be terminated immediately.
  4. Data associated with the purged account shall not be retained by the university.
  5. NMSU is not responsible for data lost due to an account purge and may not be capable of recovering the data once an NMSU account has been purged.
  6. Employee access to institutional data is revoked immediately upon separation.



Revision History:

2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule