16.05 – Safety and Security at Private Events

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: President
Responsible Administrator: NMSU Police Chief
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 01/09/2019


Consistent with the University Police Department’s mission (ARP 16.01), this rule provides the criteria and procedural guidance for the evaluation, approval and staffing of Private Events held on the NMSU – Las Cruces campus.


  1. Event: “Event” means any planned or encouraged gathering or activity for a specific purpose. “Event” does not include: academic classes, athletic team practices and meetings, departmental meetings, and regular meetings of chartered student organizations.
  2. Police Personnel: “Police Personnel” includes police officers, security officers, emergency service dispatchers, and other security-related staff employed by, or under the direction of, the university police department.
  3. Private Event: “Private Event” means one that is restricted to a guest list or invitation, and has not been advertised nor is open to members of the general public. Advertising an Event or the sale of tickets indicates that an Event is a Public Event subject to ARP 16.04.


Private Events may require staffing by Police Personnel. Sponsors of Private Events must seek a safety/security evaluation and approval for their proposed event at least 10 business days (Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm) prior to the event taking place. University Police Department staff will determine the Police Personnel staffing requirements. Reasonable effort will be made to work with event sponsor/promoters to achieve consensus; in the event of any dispute, the Chief of Police will make the final decision.

  1. Basic Criteria: The following basic criteria will be applied to determine the requisite Police Personnel for each Private Event:
    1. Alcohol sales: Private Events where alcohol is served or sold requires staffing by Police Personnel. There must be at least one security or police officer for every 100 people present. Police Personnel staffing associated with the other factors are in addition to this requirement.
    2. Number of Attendees Exceeds 500: A Private Event with more than 500 attendees possible or expected (based on venue or invitations) requires a minimum of one security officer or police officer. Police Personnel staffing associated with the other factors are in addition to this requirement.
    3. Number of Attendees Exceeds 1,250: A Private Event with more than 1,250 attendees possible or expected (based on venue or invitations) may be required to implement enhanced security measures, including but not limited to: fenced enclosures (if outdoors), pre-entry screening, bag searches, police officers patrolling parking lots. Police Personnel staffing associated with the other factors are in addition to this requirement.
  2. Additional Relevant Factors: In addition to the above, the following factors will be considered as part of the safety/security evaluation and approval for a proposed Private Event:
    1. The venue’s size and proximity to sensitive locations (e.g., housing or research facilities);
    2. The number and location of entrances/exits at the venue;
    3. Time of day/night the event will be held;
    4. Amount of time needed to properly secure the venue before the event;
    5. The length of the event;
    6. The presence of large numbers of unattended minors (under the age of 18) and children;
    7. Presence, or lack thereof, of trained crowd managers;
    8. Whether street or parking lots closures will be needed (e.g., for a parade, carnival, or race); and
    9. Presence or use of potentially dangerous materials or weapons as part of the event, including firearms, cannons, hazardous chemicals, explosives.
  3. Specific Security Requests from Event Sponsors: Additional security requests and requirements may be made by an event sponsor, who will bear the costs for such requests. This includes traffic control, escorts, bodyguard or VIP protection details, use of magnetometers, pat-downs, etc.


  1. Non-University Event Sponsors: Non-university event sponsors are required to pay in advance of the event for facility use/rental (ARP 12.70) and for Police Personnel services required by the university. The cost of police personnel is based on the rate structure published at nmsupolice.com. Estimates or price quotes for the use of facilities may be obtained in advance by contacting the appropriate coordinating entity (i.e., Student Involvement and Leadership Programs, Conference Services, or Pan Am Special Events), and payment should be made to the same. Requests for waivers of the advance payment requirement will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
  2. University Sponsors: University sponsors of Private Events will be billed for Police Personnel and services upon the conclusion of the event. These may be billed directly to the sponsoring department, or through a coordinating/consolidating department like Pan Am Special Events, depending on the arrangements made in advance of the event.