16.70 – Education Abroad

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Responsible Administrator: Vice President for Student Success and Enrollment Management
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 09/01/2020


This rule provides responsibilities, eligibility and other requirements and restrictions relating to Education Abroad programs offered or facilitated by NMSU, through the Office of Education Abroad, a division within International and Border Programs. The role of the Office of Education Abroad is to facilitate international learning opportunities and to aid with the application and enrollment process.

Education Abroad as used in this rule refers to educational programs and activities intended for academic credit. This includes any type of study, internship, service or research for which academic credit is offered. Education Abroad programs may be organized either by NMSU or may be offered through partner universities or third-party international program providers affiliated with NMSU.

Student participation in professional travel (e.g. conferences, presentations, professional meetings) not for academic credit requires the student to comply with ARP 16.69 – University Related International Travel.


The Office of International and Border Programs, through the Office of Education Abroad, is the sole office at NMSU authorized to make referrals to an international educational program, or to coordinate prospective international travel for Education Abroad program participants. Accordingly:

  1. Any NMSU employee or student desiring to assist someone in selecting an Education Abroad program or other international travel experience should refer the interested party to the Office of Education Abroad.
  2. Any individual seeking to participate in an Education Abroad program must obtain approval through the Office of Education Abroad.
  3. Any faculty or staff member who is planning any Education Abroad program for NMSU students or on behalf of NMSU must obtain advance approval from the Office of Education Abroad, as well as the department and college.
  4. Individuals not affiliated with NMSU are not permitted to participate in university sponsored Education Abroad programs unless the program has been approved by the provost and chief academic officer for non-student participation. Such approval will be facilitated by the Office of Education Abroad.
  5. The Office of Education Abroad will include, as part of its application and enrollment process, fulfillment of the requirements of ARP 16.69 – University Related International Travel.


All individuals seeking to participate in an Education Abroad program must obtain requisite approvals by registering and completing an online application and related forms managed by the Office of Education Abroad (NMSU Education Abroad). With the applicant’s consent, the Office of Education Abroad may coordinate with various parties on and off campus to determine eligibility for participation in a program. Applicants must provide evidence of eligibility to participate in Education Abroad programs by meeting the following criteria:

  1. Background Clearance: Participants will be required to authorize the Office of Education Abroad to obtain a background clearance. The nature of the background clearance requirement varies depending upon the applicant’s status with NMSU:
    1. Students: As verified through the Office of the Dean of Students, student applicants must be in good standing, and must not have been sanctioned for a violation of the Student Social Code of Conduct at a level more serious than a deferred suspension. A student who is declined under this rule may petition the Office of Education Abroad for an exception. Requests will be considered on a case by case basis in consultation with the Office of Dean of Students, on the facts provided by the applicant in support of the requested exception.
    2. Employees: NMSU employees must authorize an internal review for the purpose of confirming no relevant disciplinary action, including those based on adverse findings by the Office of Institutional Equity. Program leaders and any NMSU employee participating in a job related capacity must also have approval from the relevant department head or dean.
    3. Non-Affiliated Applicants: For programs where approval has been granted for non-affiliated participation (See Part 2. D. above), the applicant must authorize and pay for a professional background check, similar to those conducted for prospective NMSU employees. Applicants with convictions for sex related, violent or any other serious offense, will not be allowed to participate.
  2. Medical Clearance: Participants must present current medical documentation signed by a physician which indicates that the participant is physically and mentally fit for travel and participation in the specific type, nature and duration of the proposed international program, with or without accommodation. The Office of Education Abroad will provide the participant the program description and clearance form to give to the medical provider directly. If the medical clearance indicates the need for travel restrictions or recommends accommodations, the Office of Education Abroad will coordinate with the Office of Institutional Equity for employees and the Student Accessibility Services for students to determine whether a proposed accommodation can reasonably be provided.
  3. Insurance: Participants must be enrolled in an NMSU approved health and travel insurance plan. The Office of Education Abroad will enroll students in the insurance plan and bill the students directly. Participant insurance will not be accepted.


  1. If the requirements for participation are not timely met, the applicant will be deemed ineligible to participate.
  2. If the participant wishes to contest a determination of ineligibility, the participant may seek review by filing a Request for Review with International and Border Programs within ten business days from the date of transmittal of the determination to the applicant’s NMSU email address. In consultation with the associate provost for International and Border Programs, the provost and chief academic officer will review and issue a decision typically within two weeks from date of receipt of the Request for Review.


In the case of Education Abroad programs offered through partner universities or third-party program providers, the NMSU Office of Education Abroad facilitates the application process for eligible students and transmits the student’s information to the program provider. These external program providers independently decide whether to accept each applicant after consideration of the application materials. Timely completion of third party program provider requirements, including deadlines, is the sole responsibility of the applicant.


Minors under the age of 18 who are not legally emancipated (at time of travel) are not eligible to participate in Education Abroad programs. Upon petition to the Office of Education Abroad, requests for exception will be considered.

  1. Submission of Petition: The petition should address the following:
    1. Consent from the program leader (the NMSU representative who will accompany the group), the host institution or the third party provider (all that apply) have been obtained;
    2. Potential health and safety issues have been addressed, which may include a requirement for supervision by a responsible adult. Factors which should be explained include:
      1. the age of the minor,
      2. the nature of the Education Abroad program and activities that will be undertaken (age appropriateness),
      3. the destination country/ies and city/ies and the mode of traveling between destinations,
      4. U.S. State Department travel alerts or warnings,
      5. whether or not the minor is a child or legal ward of an adult participant in the Education Abroad program, and
      6. information received from the parent or legal guardian.
    3. Availability and willingness of the parents or legal guardian to sign necessary contractual or other legal documents on behalf of the minor.
  2. Consideration by IBP and Provost: The associate provost for International and Border Programs will consider the petition and make a recommendation to the provost and chief academic officer, who will approve or deny the request.
  3. Compliance with Program Requirements: If an exception is granted, the minor will be subject to the same travel requirements as other Education Abroad participants.


After consideration of all relevant factors, and as conditions may warrant based on emergent conditions, the provost and chief academic officer, in consultation with the associate provost for International and Border Programs, may require that an Education Abroad Program be suspended, diverted, or relocated, which may require that participants return to the U.S.



ARP 16.69 - University Related International Travel
Business Procedures Manual, Section 5C
ARP 14.69 – University Related Travel Guidelines

Revision History:

09/12/2017 Amendment (rewriting former Rules 2.69.1 and 2.69.2 as Rule 16.70) approved by Chancellor
2017 Recompilation
10/21/2015 Replication of former Policies 2.69.1 and 2.69.2 as initial Rules 2.69.1 and 2.69.2 approved by Board of Regents
05/02/2013 Amendment to former Policy 2.69.2 approved by Board of Regents
03/14/2011 Amendment to former Policy 2.69.2 approved by Board of Regents
07/20/2010 Adoption of former Policy 2.69.2 approved by Board of Regents