16.77 – Children in the Workplace

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: Vice President Administration and Finance
Responsible Administrator: AVP Human Resource Services
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 09/08/2005

Students, staff, faculty, and administrators can expect to attend and teach class, or complete work or research in laboratories, libraries, offices, and other workplaces with a minimum of distractions or interruptions. Consequently, the following regulations have been established, and will be enforced by the appropriate dean or administrative supervisor, to ensure that an appropriate academic and work environment is maintained.

  1. Children visiting campus must be closely supervised by an adult at all times.
  2. Children will be prohibited from entering dangerous settings such as labs and equipment rooms without the approval of the appropriate dean or administrative supervisor.
  3. Children may not attend a class in session without the prior approval of the class instructor. Children under the care of the instructor may not attend class without the prior approval of the immediate supervisor.
  4. Children may, on rare occasions and with the approval of the supervisor, accompany a parent to the workplace. However, the expectation is that parents will make alternate arrangements for the care of their children during normal working hours.
  5. Children taking part in programs and/or special events on campus are expected to abide by the rules and regulations established by the program or event sponsors.



Revision History:

2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 3.15