16.85 – Parking and Traffic Regulations

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: Vice President Administration and Finance
Responsible Administrator: Director Transportation Services
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 10/21/2013


These regulations are established to allow for the consistent and fair treatment of all people (Students, Faculty, Staff, vendors, and Visitors) who use the campus, optimal use of available parking, and assist with the safe movement of traffic. Pursuant to the authority granted to the New Mexico State University Board of Regents (NMSU) by NMSA 1978, § 29-5-1.1 to promulgate regulations governing the operation and parking of Vehicles in any area within the exterior boundaries of lands under its control which is not a municipal street or highway.


The Office of Transportation and Parking Services and the NMSU Police Department are assigned the responsibility and legal authority for the implementation, application and enforcement of these regulations.


These regulations apply at the NMSU-Las Cruces Campus and Doña Ana Community College central campus located on Espina Street. The other NMSU components may request the implementation and enforcement of parking and traffic regulations at their respective locations, including a request for distinct permit fees. Fees distinct from those set forth in these rules and regulations are subject to approval by the Board of Regents.


A copy of the current Traffic and Parking Regulations shall be made available at the Office of Transportation and Parking Services to anyone requesting a copy. Parking Regulations are also available online at https://park.nmsu.edu/.

  1. Definitions: For purposes of this Rule, the following definitions shall apply:
    1. Bus: Bus shall refer to every motor vehicle designed for the transportation of more than 16 persons or other oversize vehicle designed for the transportation of persons for compensation.
    2. Commercial Vendor: Any person, excluding Faculty, Staff and Students, representing a private business or service that requires parking privileges at NMSU in order to conduct that business.
    3. Commuter Student: A Student residing off of the NMSU-Las Cruces Campus during the academic year and who drives to campus.
    4. Faculty: Any employee classified as Faculty or affiliate by the Office of Human Resource Services, who works at, or is affiliated with, either the Las Cruces campus or the Doña Ana Community College central campus on Espina.
    5. Family Housing: The areas including Cole Village, Sutherland Village, Tom Fort Village and Cervantes Village B, C, D, E, and G.
    6. Graduate Assistant: Graduate Assistants are considered to be Students for purposes of this Rule.
    7. Low Emission or Fuel Efficient Vehicle: A vehicle listed in the most current published “My LEED List of Fuel Efficient Vehicles” as compiled by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.
    8. NMSU-Las Cruces Campus: The lands belonging to, or controlled by NMSU that are roughly described as the approximately five square miles of land in the vicinity of the junction of Interstate 10 and Interstate 25, and that are routinely patrolled by the NMSU Police Department. This area is depicted on the campus parking map.
    9. Official Government License Plate: Any Vehicle displaying an Official Government License Plate. Official Government License Plates include those readily identifiable as U.S. government, diplomat, any U.S. state, city or county government agency and state legislative license plates.
    10. Parking Stall or Space: A Parking Stall or Space is that which accommodates a single Vehicle and is clearly defined by painted lines on adjacent sides of the Vehicle.
    11. Resident: Any person who resides on the NMSU Las Cruces campus during the academic year.
    12. Restricted: (red) Fire/Emergency zones, (yellow) “no parking” zones, (blue) disabled zones, (green) service zones, parking spaces marked with signage as specially reserved, or any other restricted area indicated by signage.
    13. Staff: Any employee classified as staff or affiliate by the Office of Human Resources Services, who works at, or is affiliated with, the Las Cruces campus or the Doña Ana Community College central campus on Espina.
    14. Student: Any person on either the Las Cruces campus or Doña Ana Community College central campus on Espina who attends classes at any time during the year.
    15. Tow-Away Zone: Any area designated by signage which provides notice that vehicles may be towed, as well as any roadway or driving lane on campus when the violating vehicle is parked in the traveled portion of the roadway or driving lane and is obstructing the safe flow of traffic.
    16. Vehicle: Vehicle refers to any vehicle or device that is propelled by an internal combustion engine, electric or other power that is used or may be used on the roadway for purpose of transporting persons or property, including connected trailers. A vehicle must fit within a single Parking Stall.
    17. Visitor: Any person not in the other categories defined under definitions.
    18. Windshield: The window that is located in front of the driver when facing forward.
  2. Designated Parking Areas: The Board of Regents has authorized the designation of parking areas for the NMSU-Las Cruces Campus. Parking areas are designated according to the following classifications, which may be modified by the Transportation and Parking Services to meet the needs of the university:
    1. “All Permits” parking areas
    2. Commuter Student
    3. Designated Parking Spaces for Individuals with Disabilities
    4. Emergency/Fire Zones
    5. Faculty/Staff
    6. Free Parking areas
    7. Low Emission and Fuel Efficient Vehicle Parking
    8. Metered
    9. Motorcycle
    10. North Campus Resident
    11. Reserved Parking Spaces
    12. Restricted/Service/Delivery Zones
    13. South Campus Resident
  3. Signage: Areas subject to campus traffic and parking regulations shall be marked with appropriate signage, and drivers shall adhere to all signage, including temporary signage. Street or curbside parking spaces not marked with signs, curb color or other parking designation restriction, shall be designated and defined as “All Permits” parking area.
    1. Where there are multiple Restricted spaces together, these may be depicted by signs at the beginning and end of the Restricted area.
    2. Signage may be either temporary or permanent, including but not limited to signage displaying parking instructions and/or meter bags or covers.
  4. Conflict between Regulations, Designation on Map and Signage: In the event of a conflict between these regulations, map designations or on-site signage that specifies parking instructions, the on-site signage shall control.
  5. Penalties and Fees: Consistent with state law, these regulations set specific penalties for each type of violation, as well as impose an additional fee per citation for costs associated with the administration of NMSU’s traffic program.
  6. Abuse of Permit or Placard and Authority to Cancel: Vendor permits, departmental placards and visitor placards, shall only be used for official NMSU business, and shall not be misused to attend a class or for other personal use. Transportation and Parking Services is authorized to cancel a permit or placard that has been misused, regardless of the entity or person that provided the permit (i.e. use of a permit or placard to park to attend class instead of for authorized purpose). Permits or placards will be cancelled after notice by Transportation and Parking Services, and an opportunity to rebut the charge of misuse. No refund is available for permits or placards cancelled in accordance with this subsection.
  7. NMSU Authority to Place Barrier: Barriers, fences, signs, posts or other traffic or control devices may be placed by NMSU and/or its authorized agents at any location necessary for the safety of the public and/or work crews. Removal or moving any such safety or warning device is prohibited. Violators will be cited.
  8. NMSU Authority to Block or Restrict Parking Areas and Roadways: The university reserves the right to block or otherwise restrict parking areas and roadways for maintenance, special events, or other functions deemed appropriate. All such closures must be approved by Transportation and Parking Services, Police Department and/or the assistant vice president for auxiliary services, as deemed appropriate.
  9. Individual Responsibility: The university does not provide security specific to parking areas, and assumes no responsibility for the care or protection of Vehicles, including their contents, parked on its property; individual owners are encouraged to follow safety guidelines relating to parked Vehicles.
  10. Amendment to Parking/Traffic Regulations: These regulations may be modified in accordance with the policy and rule adoption protocol outlined in Chapter 1.


  1. Proof of Identification Required: In order to obtain an NMSU parking permit, the individual must provide proof of identification, and for permits other than visitor permits, proof of eligibility for the type of permit being sought. Adequate forms of identification include but are not limited to: NMSU identification card, Aggie identification number, a state-issued photo ID card, other official identification containing a photograph and/or verifiable identification.
  2. Purchase of Additional Permits:
    1. An individual may purchase one parking permit at the price indicated in the fee table at href="https://park.nmsu.edu/permits-placards/fees.html" title="NMSU Parking Fee Schedule">NMSU Parking Fee Schedule, and an additional permit at the price applicable under “additional permits” in the fee table at NMSU Parking Fee Schedule.
    2. An individual may purchase one regular permit and one motorcycle permit at regular prices without having them count as “additional” permits under this section.
    3. Residents of Family Housing may purchase up to two (2) permits at the regular price.
  3. Responsibility for Violations: The person on record for having purchased the permit will be the party held responsible by NMSU for any and all violations by any individual displaying that permit in any
  4. Types of Permits Available/Issuance Procedures:
    1. Campus Resident Parking Permit. To obtain this type of permit, the person must be an NMSU Student and reside on campus during the academic year.
    2. Faculty/Staff Permit. To obtain this type of permit, the person must be NMSU Faculty or Staff.
    3. Commuter Student Permit: To obtain this type of permit, the person must be a Commuter Student.
    4. Outer Lot Employee Permit. To obtain this type of permit, the person must be NMSU Faculty or Staff.
    5. Commercial Vendor’s Parking Permit: Faculty, Staff, and Students are not eligible for Commercial Vendor Permits. A Commercial Vendor may purchase either a single or an umbrella permit. Umbrella permits are issued to Commercial Vendors with multiple Vehicles making deliveries, and will be valid for all company Vehicles clearly marked with the company logo, as long as there are no more than two (2) such Vehicles on campus at any given time. The umbrella delivery permit does not need to be displayed, but must be available at the vendor’s office for inspection and auditing.
    6. Disabled Parking Placard: Based on a valid state-issued placard or license plate, and in accordance with the procedures of Transportation and Parking Services, NMSU will honor such disabled parking placard in the event of a temporarily disabled Faculty, Staff or Student, the Transportation and Parking Services will issue a temporary NMSU Disabled parking permit. Temporary disabled parking permits require the individual to produce a doctor’s note.
    7. Departmental Placard: Transportation and Parking Services issues loading/unloading departmental placards to the departments needing such access. The placard is only valid when displayed in conjunction with another valid NMSU Parking Permit. The departmental placard is to be used for authorized NMSU business purposes only.
    8. Special Event/Visitor Parking Placard: NMSU entities hosting an event requiring visitor parking for guests are required to obtain visitor permits or parking placards for each Vehicle, and to advise their guests regarding the campus parking regulations. Pre-purchased parking spaces are available from Transportation and Parking Services by submitting a “Request for Special Event Parking Permits” form five (5) days, before the date of the event.
    9. VIP Parking Permits: These permits are authorized solely by the assistant vice president for auxiliary services.
    10. Special Parking Permits: These permits are authorized solely by the President and generally are reserved for members of the Board of Regents, the President, the provost, vice presidents, deans, general counsel, campus executive officers, chairs of faculty senate and employee council and certain directors who report directly to deans, vice presidents, or the provost. Upon the approval of the President, the ASNMSU president and vice president may purchase special permits at the same price as commuter student permits.
    11. Reserved Parking Spaces: Departments may lease parking spaces each year from Transportation and Parking Services at the rate listed in the fee table at NMSU Parking Fee Schedule by completing and submitting a “Reserved Parking Space Application” to Transportation and Parking Services. These parking spaces will be identified with signage as being specially reserved. (See also Part 8)
    12. Temporary Parking Permit: A temporary permit may be issued by Transportation and Parking Services for up to fourteen (14) business days to Students, Faculty, Staff, and persons with official business on campus.
    13. Visitor Parking Permit: Visitors may obtain a free daily/weekly parking permit at Transportation and Parking Services or via the Internet at www.nmsuparking.com (limit five daily permits per year), or purchase an annual “outer lot visitor” or “all access visitor” parking permit.
  5. Lost Permits: Lost permits shall be reported to Transportation and Parking Services. The individual who purchased the original permit may purchase a replacement permit upon completion of a lost affidavit form and cancellation of the original permit. Refer to NMSU Parking Fee Schedule for replacement permit fee.  A refund may be provided if the original lost permit is returned to Transportation and Parking Services by the individual who purchased the permit.
  6. Stolen Permits: Stolen permits should be reported to Transportation and Parking Services. The individual who purchased the original permit may purchase a replacement permit upon completion of stolen affidavit form and police report. Refer to NMSU Parking Fee Schedule for replacement permit fee. The permit originally issued shall be cancelled.
  7. Mandatory Replacement of Permit: A replacement parking permit shall be obtained, which shall cause the cancellation of the original permit, from Transportation and Parking Services when:
    1. The holder’s status changes (example: Resident moves off campus)
    2. The holder’s classification changes (example: Student becomes Staff)
    3. The permit expires
    4. The owner/driver has a permanent permit and needs to change it to another Vehicle.
  8. Cancellation of Permit: A parking permit shall be returned to Transportation and Parking Services to be officially cancelled when:
    1. Employment with NMSU is terminated (excludes retirees)
    2. A Student is suspended or expelled from NMSU
    3. A refund is obtained for the parking permit
  9. Cancelled Permits: All permits that have been cancelled for any reason shall be placed on the “tow or boot” list and any Vehicle found to be parked anywhere on campus using a permit that has been cancelled shall be cited and towed or booted.


  1. Annual Permit Fee Assessment: Every September 1, parking permit fees will be assessed. For purposes of this Rule, the year is from September 1 through August 31.
  2. Parking Fees: Permits purchased after December 1 will be priced at one half of the annual price, plus an administrative fee. Permits purchased after May 1 will be priced at one quarter of the annual price, plus an administrative fee. Permit prices are included at NMSU Parking Fee Schedule.
  3. Free Parking: There is no fee to park in the areas designated for free parking. NMSU personnel retired prior to September 1, 1992, may receive a free faculty/staff parking permit. Persons displaying a valid state issued disabled license plate or placard may park on campus for free in accordance with other provisions of this Rule. There is no fee for Visitor and Temporary permits.
  4. Parking Meter Rate: The rate charged to park in a metered parking space is included at NMSU Parking Fee Schedule.
  5. Refund of Paid Parking Permit Fee: Partial refunds for parking permits are available in some cases.
    1. Permits purchased during the Fall semester may be returned prior to January 15 for a refund of the difference between the purchase price and the spring semester price.
    2. Faculty and Staff terminating employment with NMSU are eligible for a refund which will be determined based on the date the permit is returned.
    3. Any payroll deduction unpaid balances due to sabbatical leave, LWOP, workman’s comp, etc., will be collected.
    4. If Faculty or Staff terminate employment with NMSU and fail to return their permit, they will be responsible for any unpaid balance owed.
    5. Requests for refunds are handled on a case-by-case basis by Transportation and Parking Services.


  1. Location of Moveable Permits: Moveable parking permits are the standard-issued permits. The parking permit shall be affixed to the inside, lower corner of the Windshield on the driver’s side in such a manner that it does not obstruct the driver’s vision when operating the Vehicle.
  2. Location of Permanently Affixed Permits: Permanent adhesive permits are issued for motorcycles and to those individuals requesting them. For motorcycles, the parking permit shall be affixed in a manner that is clearly visible. For Vehicles, the parking permit shall be affixed to the inside, lower corner of the Windshield on the driver’s side in such a manner that they do not obstruct the driver’s vision when operating the Vehicle.
  3. Location of Placards: All placards must be hung on rearview mirror.
  4. Visibility of Permit: Permits shall not be obstructed from view any time the Vehicle is parked on the NMSU campus. Permits should not be laminated, taped, or altered in any way. If permit does not adhere to Windshield, notify Transportation and Parking Services.
  5. One Permit: Only one current permit shall be displayed in a Vehicle, unless it is a departmental loading/unloading placard. All departmental loading/unloading placards must be used in conjunction with a valid NMSU parking permit displayed on the Vehicle.
  6. Visibility of Permit/Car Covers: Car owners are required to cut a small opening in the car cover so the parking enforcement officer can see the valid parking permit displayed on the driver’s side Windshield. The license plate number shall also be written on the Windshield portion of the car cover using permanent marker.


  1. Designated Parking Areas/Parking Permits: All Students, Faculty, Staff, NMSU retirees, Commercial Vendors and other Visitors to campus who park in designated areas on campus, or who park on campus streets, must display a valid NMSU Parking Permit, including but not limited to those listed above, for that area and/or in the manner prescribed in these regulations. Signs or permits made by others, handwritten notes left on a Vehicle, or other such purported permits not issued by Transportation and Parking Services are prohibited and will not be honored. The permits issued by Transportation and Parking Services with corresponding designated parking area are listed below:
    1. “All Permits” Parking Areas: (Indicated by orange color signage) Vehicles displaying any valid NMSU parking permit may be parked in this parking area. Vehicles displaying any valid NMSU parking permit may park in on street or curbside parking where there is no signage or curb color displayed to otherwise restrict parking.
    2. Annual All Access Visitor Permit: Displaying an Annual All Access Visitor permit allows the holder to park in any legal parking space in any lot designation (including Faculty/Staff, Student, and Visitor areas), any free lot or along any street where parking is permitted and not otherwise restricted with the exception of emergency/fire zones, restricted service/delivery zones, disabled and other parking spaces marked with signage as specially reserved.
    3. Annual Outer Lot Visitor Permit: (Indicated by orange color signage) Displaying an Annual Outer Lot Visitor permit allows the holder to park in the “all permits” parking areas any free lot or along any street where parking is permitted and not otherwise restricted with the exception of emergency/fire zones, restricted service/delivery zones, disabled and other parking spaces marked with signage as specially reserved.
    4. North Campus Resident Parking: (Indicated by yellow color signage) Vehicles displaying a North Campus Resident permit may be parked in North Campus Resident parking areas, which are restricted 24 hours daily, seven days a week, throughout the calendar year.  Vehicles displaying this permit may also be parked in any “all permits” lot and in any free lot, as well as along any street where parking is permitted and not otherwise Restricted.
    5. South Campus Resident Parking: (Indicated by purple color signage) Vehicles displaying a South Campus Resident permit may be parked in South Campus Housing parking areas, which are restricted 24 hours daily, seven days a week, throughout the calendar year. Vehicles displaying this permit may also be parked in any “all permits” lot and in any free lot, as well as along any street where parking is permitted and not otherwise Restricted. A campus resident permit is not required to park on the driveway; only one Vehicle may be parked on a driveway at any given time. Parking on the lawn (yard area) is strictly prohibited.
    6. Commuter Student Parking: (Indicated by green color signage) Vehicles displaying a commuter student permit may be parked in lots so indicated, as well as in all-permits, free lots and along any street where parking is permitted and not otherwise Restricted.
    7. Disabled Parking: (Indicated by blue color signage) NMSU honors any valid state-issued parking license plate or placard issued to a disabled individual. If a parking space designated for the disabled is not available, those displaying the disabled placard/plate may park in any other legal parking space in any lot designation (including Faculty/Staff, Student, and Visitor areas AND parking meters without having to pay), with the exception of emergency/fire zones, restricted service/delivery zones and other parking spaces marked with signage as specially reserved. Note: A disabled veteran (DV) license plate does not authorize recipient to park in a disabled parking zone without a valid state-issued disabled placard.
    8. Emergency/Fire Zone: (Indicated by red curbs and/or signage)These parking zones are restricted to authorized emergency response Vehicles at all times (24 hours a day, seven days a week throughout the calendar year).
    9. Faculty/Staff Parking Permit: (Indicated by crimson color signage) In addition to the parking areas designated for Faculty/Staff, Vehicles displaying this permit type may also be parked in any “all permits” lot and in any free lot, as well as along any street where parking is permitted and not otherwise Restricted. Faculty/Staff members residing in a Family Housing area shall display their Housing Resident decal in addition to their Faculty/Staff parking permit while parked in the Family Housing streets or parking lots.
    10. Free Parking Areas: (Indicated by brown color signage) Any Vehicle may be parked in a lot designated as a free lot. No permits are required to park in these areas.
    11. Motorcycle Permit: A valid NMSU Motorcycle Permit is required for motorcycles, motor scooters, and mopeds to park on campus. All individuals operating a motorcycle, motor scooter, or moped must abide by NMSU Parking Rules and Regulations and must park in a motorcycle parking area Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Motorcycles may not use automobile spaces except at paid meters. Exception: Between 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. Monday through Friday and weekends (Saturday and Sunday) motorcycles, motor scooters and mopeds may park in any legal parking space in any parking lot.
    12. Outer-Lot Employee Permits: (Indicated by orange color signage) This type of permit is offered to Faculty and Staff at a lower cost than the Faculty/Staff permit and allows parking in the “All Permit Lots”, or in any on-street parking area, with the exception of emergency/fire zones, restricted service/delivery, disabled zones and other parking spaces marked with signage as specially reserved zones.
    13. Service/Delivery Zones: Unless otherwise posted, the maximum time period for parking in this zone is two (2) hours. These are marked either with signage and/or with green curbing. Restrictions apply 24 hours a day, seven days a week, throughout the entire calendar year. To be authorized to park in this zone, the Vehicle must display any one of the following:
      1. University Service Vehicle with university logo seal painted on the Vehicle door actively being used for the service or maintenance of university facilities;
      2. Departmental loading/unloading placard together with a valid student, Faculty/Staff or other university parking permit;
      3. Commercial Vendors Permit;
      4. Special or VIP permit.
    14. Reserved Parking Spaces: There are a number of parking spaces reserved for exclusive use by certain constituencies on campus. These parking spaces are identifiable by signage in these areas indicating the restrictions. Examples include but are not limited to: “Dove Hall Parking Only”, “ROTC Vehicles Only” etc.
    15. Special Events/Visitor: (Indicated by hanging green placard) Visitors displaying a Special Events Visitor placard may park in any legal parking space in any lot designation (including Faculty/Staff, Student, and Visitor areas), as well as along any street where parking is permitted with the exception of emergency/fire zones, service/delivery zones and other parking spaces marked with signage as specially reserved.
    16. Temporary Parking Permit: (Indicated by bright pink color hanging placard) Persons displaying a temporary parking placard may park in any legal parking space in any lot designation (including Faculty/Staff, Student, and Visitor areas), as well as along any street where parking is permitted with the exception of emergency/fire zones, service/delivery zones and other reserved zones.
    17. VIP Permit Parking: (Indicated by white color) Persons displaying a VIP permit may park in any legal parking space in any lot designation, including Faculty/Staff, Student, Visitor areas, green curbed service/delivery zones and along any street where parking is permitted, in accordance with time limitations as indicated by the signage. Additionally, VIP permit holders may park in the “Visitors to the President’s Office” area if they are attending a meeting with the executive administration in Hadley Hall. VIP permits are not valid in blue, red or yellow curbed areas. VIP permits are not valid in parking spaces marked with signage as specially reserved. The charge to park at a meter is not waived for VIP permits. The parking meter rate is included at NMSU Parking Fee Schedule.
    18. Special Permit Parking: (Indicated by black color signage) Persons displaying a Special permit may park in any legal parking space in any lot designation, including Faculty/Staff, Student, Visitor areas, green curbed service/delivery zones and parking spaces marked “special permit only”, in accordance with time limitations as indicated by the signage. Additionally, Special permit holders may park in the “Visitors to the President’s Office” area if they are attending a meeting with the executive administration in Hadley Hall. Special permits are not valid in blue, red or yellow curbed areas. Special permits are not valid in parking spaces marked with signage as specially reserved. The charge to park at a meter is not waived for Special permits. The parking meter rate is included at NMSU Parking Fee Schedule.
    19. Visitor Placard or E-Permit: (Indicated by white hanging placard or a printed E-Permit) Daily and weekly Visitors displaying either a visitor placard or E-Permit may park in any legal parking space and along any street where parking is permitted, with the exception of emergency/fire zones, service/delivery zones and other reserved parking spaces marked with signage as specially reserved.
  2. Exceptions to Requirement for Permit: The following are exempt from the requirement for a valid NMSU permit to be able to park in the designated parking areas:
    1. Official Governmental Vehicles: Vehicles displaying Official Government License Plates not affiliated with NMSU are allowed to park in any legal parking space in any campus parking lot, but are restricted from parking in any service zone, loading and unloading zone or Visitor area. Any time limits indicated on official signs must be followed to avoid receiving a citation. Vehicles displaying Official Government License Plates may park at a parking meter at no charge. Parking at a space designated for disabled person requires display of a valid disabled placard. Under no circumstances, shall these Vehicles park in an emergency/fire zone, unless they are authorized emergency Vehicles being used in the direct support of emergency services.
    2. NMSU Vehicles: NMSU Vehicles displaying Official Government License Plates may park in any legal parking area. NMSU Vehicles shall not park in spaces designated for disabled persons, unless a valid disabled permit/placard is displayed; in designated visitor parking spaces; in metered parking spaces; or in reserved parking spaces marked with signage as specially reserved. Under no circumstances shall these Vehicles park in an emergency/fire zone, unless they are authorized emergency Vehicles being used in the direct support of emergency services. NMSU Vehicles may park in service/delivery/loading zones (green curbs) in accordance with these regulations.
    3. Vehicles with Disabled Placard/Plate: If a parking space designated for Disabled Parking is not available, a Vehicle displaying a valid disabled placard/plate may park in other legal parking spaces, except where painted curbs or signs restrict or otherwise regulate such parking. Additionally, a Vehicle displaying a valid disabled placard/plate is authorized to park in a metered parking space, free of charge.
    4. Construction Contractors: Contractors and Vehicles of their construction workers are exempt from these regulations when parked within a clearly defined construction site that has been approved for parking by the appropriate Facilities and Services Project Manager, as well as by Transportation and Parking Services;
  3. Effective Hours of Parking Restrictions
    1. All designated parking areas are restricted to holders of the appropriate permits Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Anyone may park in any Faculty/Staff, Commuter Student, “all permits” or visitor parking space, without a permit, after 4:30 p.m. and before 7:30 a.m., as well as on weekends.
    2. Campus resident parking is restricted 24-hours a day.
    3. Service/delivery and reserved parking areas, include but are not limited to disabled zones, emergency/fire zones, Post Office patron parking, “no parking” zones are restricted 24 hours a day unless signage indicates otherwise.
    4. Parking meters are in effect from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  4. Metered Parking: No permit is required to park in a metered parking space. Except as provided above for individuals with disabilities displaying a valid disabled placard or plate, any person who parks in a metered parking space shall deposit the required amount in the meter to pay for the right to park there, regardless of the display of valid NMSU Parking Permit or placard, government license plate or other visitor status, or other circumstance. All failures to pay at metered parking spaces will be subject to citation. If a meter is malfunctioning, it should be reported immediately to Transportation and Parking Services at (575) 646-1839 in order to avoid receiving a citation.
  5. Parking on Street: Vehicles displaying any type of valid NMSU parking permit may be parked on the streets on campus, including “outer-lot employee”. On-street parking is restricted or prohibited where colored curbs and/or signage so indicate, or where such parking obstructs the movement or safety of traffic.
  6. Bus Parking: All Buses shall park in parking lot #30 east of the Pan Am Center.
  7. Prohibited Parking: Except in compliance with the lawful directions of a traffic control device or officer, or as otherwise provided in these regulations, it is unlawful to park or stop a motor Vehicle as follows:
    1. On any sidewalk;
    2. In front of a public or private driveway;
    3. Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant;
    4. On a crosswalk;
    5. Within an intersection;
    6. Double parked (meaning parked behind or beside another legally parked Vehicle in such a way as to block the second Vehicle or to impede the flow of traffic);
    7. Any place where official signs prohibit or restrict parking, stopping, or loading/unloading (including any areas marked by red, yellow, green, or blue curbs);
    8. On any grassed area or dirt area not designated as a parking area, including within the NMSU residential housing areas;
    9. On the traveled portion of any roadway (including while loading or unloading passengers);
    10. In those areas bordered or outlined by curbs, unless outlined as an authorized parking area;
    11. Outside a marked stall or outlined parking area;
    12. On the driver’s left-hand side of the roadway, facing the wrong lane of traffic (except on one-way streets where on-street parking is permitted);
    13. Over 18 inches from any curb;
    14. In any timed area over the designated time;
    15. In front of areas allowing disabled (accessible) Vehicle loading and unloading areas and access ramps (blue curbs, blue pavement, and blue ramps);
    16. Within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection;
    17. Within 30 feet upon the approach to any stop sign or traffic control signal at the side of a roadway;
    18. Within 20 feet of the driveway entrance to any fire or police station and within 75 feet on the side of a street opposite the entrance to any fire or police station (when appropriately signed);
    19. In any designated bicycle path;
    20. In a parking lot driving lane; or
    21. Any Vehicle overnight in any location on campus without permission.
  8. Test Parking Programs: Test parking programs may be initiated at the discretion of Transportation and Parking Services for the purpose of studying parking alternatives. Thirty days advance notice shall be given to the university community regarding any proposed test program, and the test program shall not be operated for more than one (1) year without the approval of the Board of Regents.
  9. Parking for Special Events: The university may assess special rates for parking in certain areas during special events (including athletic events). Permission for a department, group, or event sponsor to charge for such parking must be obtained from Transportation and Parking Services prior to the special event.


In addition to the parking policies set forth herein and enforced by Transportation and Parking Services, the following rules and regulations apply regarding the operation of Vehicles on NMSU premises. The NMSU Police Department shall enforce the Vehicle operation policies in this Section, consistent with state traffic laws. On the public rights of way located on campus, the traffic laws of state of New Mexico shall apply and be enforced by the NMSU Police Department in accordance with state law.

  1. Vehicles Abandoned or Unlicensed on Campus: No abandoned or unlicensed motor Vehicle(s) including motorcycles, motor scooters or mopeds shall be allowed to remain on NMSU property.
    1. A Vehicle is considered abandoned if it is left unattended and not moved from its current location for more than two (2) weeks. Any Vehicle which is partially dismantled or wrecked and/or that does not display a current license plate and which is left in such condition for more than two (2) weeks shall also be considered abandoned.
    2. A Vehicle is considered unlicensed if it does not have a current and valid state-issued registration plate and/or sticker.
    3. After the Vehicle has been reported to or discovered by Transportation and Parking Services, and the Vehicle is found to be: (a) not stolen; (b) the legal ownership cannot be established by normal record-checking procedures; and (c) legal or equitable ownership not claimed or asserted by any person; the Vehicle shall be towed and impounded.
    4. All abandoned or unlicensed Vehicles will be towed after 30 days of being reported, identified and/or cited.


  1. Background: The operation of motorized Vehicles (electric or combustion engine) in a university setting is always a challenge between providing adequate access to enable the operational needs of the campus to be met versus the pedestrian nature and desired feel of a campus setting. If the rules established are too restrictive then day to day operations of a campus are harmed. If no restrictions are in place then Vehicles are daily operated in a manner that is not in the best overall interest of the institution.
  2. Legal Basis: State law establishes the ability for local jurisdictions to place restrictions on the operation of motorized Vehicles on controlled access areas. The enforcement of these restrictions, once established, falls to the police department. Violations of these controlled access restrictions will be cited in accordance with state law.
  3. Need for Controlled Access: Operation of motorized Vehicles on sidewalks is a direct conflict with their primary intended use for pedestrian traffic. Furthermore it damages the sidewalks resulting in increased cost to maintain this infrastructure in a reasonable condition. Operation of motorized Vehicles on turf areas damages turf and trees, thereby harming the investment made in the establishment and maintenance of our landscaped areas of the campus.
  4. Valid Reasons for Access: There are valid reasons for operating motorized Vehicles within controlled access areas:
    1. Motorized wheelchairs, personal assistive mobility devices (Segway Human Transporters), or other motorized equipment used to provide disabled access.
    2. Response to emergencies. Emergencies include any action to protect human life; well-being and to prevent potential damage to property or to respond to utility outages.
    3. Deliveries to or transport from specified buildings otherwise inaccessible. It is recognized that several facilities have no delivery access without travel through a controlled access area. These buildings are listed below. Access routes and access parking zones shall be established for these buildings, which shall be available for viewing at NMSU Controlled Access Area.
      1. Aggie Memorial Stadium
      2. Foreman Hall
      3. Academic Research C
      4. Guthrie Hall
      5. Branson Library
      6. Hadley Hall
      7. Chamisa Village
      8. Health and Social Services
      9. Computer Center
      10. Jett Hall
      11. Engineering Complex I
  5. Defined project specific access: Certain activities such as movement of heavy loads, athletic events, special events, projects involving the remodel or construction of campus facilities and infrastructure require, by their very nature, limited entry to controlled access areas of the campus. This access route will be established by the project manager as best possible and signed accordingly during the course of the event/project life.
  6. Use of Turf Vehicles: Maintenance of the campus turf areas requires access by specialized turf Vehicles. Nothing in this rule is intended to restrict access to turf areas by these Vehicles.
  7. Non-emergency Access by Police, Fire and Shuttle Vehicles: Access rights are given to Police and Fire response Vehicles for training activities and patrol activities when access will increase the safety of campus population and its real property assets. Limited access on approved routes is granted to Vehicles providing shuttle service to the NMSU campus.


Utility Carts. Small utility service Vehicles, herein referred to as ‘Utility Carts’, include golf carts, turf Vehicles and small rough terrain Vehicles that are allowed on controlled access areas and/or streets of the campus.

These small utility carts are used to move people, deliver supplies, and carry tools or small equipment throughout the workplace. Operation of utility carts on sidewalks poses risks to pedestrians and therefore requires special training and responsibility to prevent incidents and potential injury. All individuals operating utility carts must be trained before using the Vehicles.

Reading and understanding the Utility Cart Safety Program and responsibilities of cart operation plus additional machine specific use instruction will serve as the required training to be administered by each department or area utilizing utility carts.

Other low speed Vehicles capable of exceeding 20 mph must be primarily operating over roadways, not controlled access areas. Individuals operating low speed roadway use Vehicles will be required to attend Defensive Driving and be permitted according to the NMSU Vehicle Use Procedures.

Rule: The Utility Cart Safety Program (UCSP) is in accordance with 49 CFR 571.500, Standard 500; Low-speed vehicles, NMSU Vehicle Use Procedures, NMSU Controlled Access Areas Rule and Sections 66-3-802, 66-3-804, 66-3-805, 66-3-828, 66-3-840, 66-3-843, 66-3-845, 66-3-852, 66-3- 854, 66-3-887, 66-3-1103, 66-7-9, 66-7-305, 66-7-308, 66-7-325, 66-7-326, 66-7-351, 66-7-372, and 66-7-405 (1978, et seq.) of the New Mexico Statutes Annotated.

  1. Authority and Responsibility: Below mentioned attachments can be found at NMSU Utility Cart Safety.
  2. Environmental Health and Safety is responsible for
    1. Developing and administering the UCSP.
    2. Performing validation of driver license for cart operators.
    3. Providing a cart operators permit to authorized drivers which is valid for 3 years.
    4. Reviewing and updating the UCSP and training material when necessary.
  3. NMSU Police Department is responsible for
    1. Enforcing all applicable motor vehicle statutes.
    2. Shall impound, if necessary, utility vehicles observed to be carelessly driven.
  4. NMSU Office of Transportation and Parking Services is responsible for
    1. Enforcing parking restrictions.
  5. Deans, Directors, Department Heads and Supervisors are responsible for
    1. Perform Utility Cart Safety Inspection and submit checklist – Attachment B- to EH&S.
    2. Affixing identification decal issued by EH&S.
    3. Assuring that UCSP Policy Acknowledgement Form (Attachment C) is completed by each operator and sent to EH&S (MSC 3578) with a copy of operator’s driver’s license.
    4. Assuring that prior to operating a utility cart, each individual:
      1. Receives machine specific operational instruction
      2. Receives periodic evaluation, counseling and training as may be appropriate to correct non-compliance with the safety program
    5. Assuring that each utility cart owned, leased, or operated by their department receives annual preventative maintenance and repair services.
    6. Assuring that utility cart(s) and operators, within their department, comply with the UCSP.
    7. Assuring that utility carts are operated in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Utility vehicles shall not be modified in any manner that affects the recommended mode of operation, speed or safety of the Vehicle. If applicable, utility carts must be tagged with the maximum load capacity recommended by the manufacturer.
  6. Operators of utility carts are responsible for
    1. Following the Utility Cart Safe Operating Procedures outlined in Attachment ‘A’.
    2. Acknowledging responsibility and accountability for compliance by completing the UCSP Policy. Acknowledgment Form as shown in Attachment ‘C’.
    3. Having a valid driver’s license.
    4. Having obtained a utility cart operators permit (from EH&S).
    5. Having received cart specific operational instruction prior to operating the cart.
    6. Understanding their responsibilities and requirements under the UCSP.
    7. Providing timely notification of safety and maintenance concerns regarding utility cart to the supervisor of the department to which the Vehicle is registered.
  7. Utility Cart Required Equipment: The following equipment must be present and operational on all utility carts:
    1. Unique identifying number prominently displayed on Vehicle in 3 inch minimum letters.
    2. Brakes.
    3. Ignition or power shutoff or security systems.
    4. Vehicle seat belt, if offered by manufacturer.
    5. Horn or audible warning device.
    6. Rear view mirrors.
    7. Slow moving Vehicle safety triangle on rear of Vehicle OR warning lights on front and rear of Vehicle or top mounted strobe light if Vehicle is unable to travel at the same speed as normal traffic.
    8. Equipment tie downs for service Vehicles.
    9. Lights (head, tail, brake) for all night use Vehicles.
    10. Any utility cart capable of being operated in excess of 15 miles per hour shall be equipped with seat belts and lights regardless of time of day or night use.
  8. Vehicle Fueling and Storage: All operators must receive department specific fueling instructions when applicable and all vehicles must be charged and stored in approved sites. Each of these sites will take into account machine specific hazards (e.g. flammability of fuel, off gassing of hydrogen from battery charging). Chargers for low speed electric Vehicles must be plugged directly into a ground fault interrupter receptacle. Extension cords shall not be utilized unless the Vehicle is specifically approved for such and this use is noted during the Inspection and Registration process.


It is unlawful and a violation of these regulations to intentionally falsify information in order to obtain a NMSU Parking Permit, to use a NMSU Parking Permit issued to another person without their knowledge and authority, or to alter, forge, reproduce, counterfeit, or steal any NMSU Parking Permit.

Anyone found to have engaged in fraudulent practices shall have their parking privileges at NMSU permanently revoked, and may be subject to other administrative (i.e. employee discipline up to and including termination), civil and/or criminal sanctions.

Vehicles found to be displaying NMSU parking permits that have been reported as stolen may be seized as evidence for the purposes of criminal prosecution.


To enforce these regulations, Transportation and Parking Services may:

  1. Issue citations, collect fines and fees;
  2. Place Vehicle on the “Tow or Boot” list;
  3. Immobilize a Vehicle by “booting” the Vehicle’s wheel;
  4. Have the Vehicle towed and impounded;
  5. Cancel parking permits and revoke parking privileges for excessive violation of these regulations or the failure to pay outstanding fines and fees;
  6. Prohibit (or cancel at any time during the year) the pre-registration or registration for classes;
  7. Refer the Faculty, Staff or Student to the Student Discipline Office or NMSU Office of Human Resource Services, as appropriate for administrative action;
  8. Withhold NMSU records, including academic credits, transcripts, and diplomas until all fines and other fees are paid; or
  9. Employ private collection agencies to collect outstanding unpaid fines and fees.


The following policies apply when Transportation and Parking Services has determined that the appropriate remedy for a violation of a parking or traffic regulation is to immobilize or tow and impound a Vehicle:

  1. Definition of “Boot”: A device which mounts on/around a Vehicle’s tire or wheel to prevent or discourage vehicular movement. These may be legally attached and released only by Transportation and Parking Services.
  2. Placement on “Tow or Boot” List: A Vehicle may be placed on the tow or boot list for:
    1. Two or more outstanding citations;
    2. Non-payment of fines or fees imposed under this Rule;
    3. Returned checks written to Transportation and Parking Services;
    4. Breach of citation payment agreement;
    5. Display of a cancelled permit;
    6. Display of an altered permit;
    7. Display of a stolen permit; or
    8. Violation of previous revocation of parking privileges.
  3. Reasons for Tow or Boot: A Vehicle may be towed or booted when:
    1. It is parked in a Tow-Away Zone;
    2. It is parked in such a manner as to obstruct traffic or present a hazard;
    3. It is on the “tow or boot” list. Vehicles on the “tow or boot” list are subject to enforcement action when otherwise legally parked on campus (including in free lots);
    4. Otherwise interfering with the safe movement of pedestrian or motor Vehicle traffic;
    5. Any visible indication that the boot has been tampered with while affixed to the Vehicle; or
    6. As otherwise provided by law.
  4. Removal of Boot/Release from Tow: To have the boot removed requires payment of a fee, in addition to full payment of accrued fines.  The fee for boot removal is included at NMSU Parking Fee Schedule.
    1. Immobilized Vehicles will remain “wheel-locked” until the outstanding fines and fees are paid in full. The Vehicle’s registered owner or operator must pay for the boot removal and applicable fines at Transportation and Parking Services located at 1400 E. University Avenue, Las Cruces, NM from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or at the Corbett Center Student Union Information Desk from 4:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Note: There are no boot releases on holidays or weekends.
    2. Vehicles immobilized for longer than 96 hours shall be towed from NMSU property to a designated storage facility of the towing company. The Vehicle registered owner or operator will be responsible for all applicable towing and storage charges.
    3. Charges in addition to the boot removal, and/or towing and/or storage fees may be assessed against the Vehicle owner or operator, depending upon the circumstances (i.e. rental car or dealership agencies). If a permit was displayed in the Vehicle that was booted or towed, the permit holder may also be held responsible.


  1. Issuance: The NMSU Office of Transportation and Parking Services is hereby granted the authority to issue parking citations on any lands under the control of the NMSU Board of Regents. All such citations shall be issued in accordance with policies and procedures set forth by the Office of Transportation and Parking Services.
  2. Fines and Fees: Pursuant to Section 29-5-1.1, NMSA 1978, et seq., a parking citation must be paid or contested within five (5) business days from the date it was issued. Fines and fees are included at NMSU Parking Fee Schedule.
  3. Payment of Citation Fines and Fees: Instructions on how to pay the fines and fees are included with each citation issued. Payment may be made at Transportation and Parking Services during posted hours, via mail at P.O. Box 30001/MSC 3PAR, Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001 (when paying by check or money order), via telephone at 575-646-1839 (when paying using a Visa, Master Card, or Discover credit card).
  4. Fees Related to Towing and Impound: Authorized fees charged for Vehicles that are towed and/or booted by the Transportation and Parking Services are included at NMSU Parking Fee Schedule.
  5. Dismissal of Citations
    1. Any individual receiving a citation presenting such citation to Transportation and Parking Services within five (5) business days from the date of issuance, may elect to have the citation reduced to a warning if the recipient has not had a citation dismissed or reduced to a warning within the prior two (2) years.
    2. If the citation was issued for “no permit displayed”, the recipient may elect to have the citation reduced to a warning if the recipient purchases a permit and is eligible to purchase such permit.
    3. This section does not apply to citations issued for illegally parking in a parking space designated for the disabled, in an emergency/fire zone, or yellow zone.
  6. Citation Appeals Hearing Process: A fair and impartial appeal hearing is provided for each individual’s case.
    1. Citations must be contested by submitting a Citation Appeal Form within five (5) business days of issuance. Forms may be submitted online at https://park.nmsu.edu/ or at Transportation and Parking Services located at .The elapse of five (5) business days results in the violator’s forfeiture of their right to appeal the citation. If after an internal review the appeal is not granted, the appeal will automatically be scheduled for the Parking Citation Appeal Hearing Officer at the next available scheduled hearing.
    2. Transportation and Parking Services shall schedule the hearing dates and times on behalf of the NMSU Parking Citation Appeal Hearing Officer. Notice of the date, time and place of the hearing shall be provided to the appellant seven (7) business days in advance of the hearing date. If the appellant fails to appear at the hearing or seek a continuance, the hearing officer may uphold the citation, and add the administrative fee to the amount of the fine.
    3. Transportation and Parking Services will maintain on file the hearing docket and decisions of each session at which the Citation Hearing Appeal Officer hears cases under its jurisdiction.
    4. Arguments by appellants before the Citation Appeal Hearing Officer shall be limited to those issues raised in the written appeal. Mitigating circumstances are limited to a determination that there was a failure on the part of the university to clearly mark or otherwise designate parking areas.
    5. The Citation Appeal Hearing Officers are empowered to take the following action on a citation brought before them:
      1. Uphold the citation
      2. Reduce the citation to warning
      3. Reduce the citation fine by one-half if mitigating circumstances are found
    6. The decision of the Citation Appeal Hearing Officer is final.
    7. An administrative fee, as authorized by law, shall be added to all citations upheld by the Citation Appeal Hearing Officer. Said amount shall be paid to Transportation and Parking Services, along with the citation amount at the time of judgment. If appellant does not pay/fulfill any judgment, fines, and/or hearing costs assessed within five business days, the cited Vehicle will be added to the “tow or boot” list, and subject to other sanctions under this Rule. Citations upheld due to appellant failing to appear at the appeal hearing will have five (5) business days to pay the citation and administrative fee; failure to pay fees within the five business days will automatically put Vehicle on the “tow or boot” list.


See NMSU Parking Fee Schedule



Revision History:

2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 2.95
10/21/2015 Policy 2.95 replicated by Board of Regents as initial Rule 2.95
10/21/2013 Policy 2.95 amended by Board of Regents
05/06/2011 Policy 2.95 amended by Board of Regents
04/08/2011 Parking Permit Rates amended by Board of Regents
07/20/2010 Policy 2.95 amended by Board of Regents
04/01/2010 Parking Permit Rates amended by Board of Regents
07/14/2009 Policy 2.95 amended by Administrative Council; 07/29/2009 Ratified by Board of Regents
03/10/2008 Parking Permit Rates amended by Board of Regents
02/12/2008 Former Traffic and Parking Regulations amended and restructured as Policy 2.95 by Administrative Council, with 03/08/2008 Effective Date; 07/15/2008 Ratified by Board of Regents