17.25 – Faculty Athletics Representative

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: President
Responsible Administrator: Director Athletics
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 05/08/2018


The faculty athletics representative shall be a member of the institution’s faculty or an administrator who holds faculty rank. The faculty athletics representative shall not hold an administrative nor coaching position in the Department of Athletics.


The faculty athletics representative is appointed by the president for an unspecified term, after consultation with the director of athletics and the outgoing faculty athletics representative. The faculty athletics representative reports directly to the president.


The responsibilities of the faculty athletics representative are guided by the NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative Handbook, and may be tailored by NMSU, provided any such amendment is documented as part of the Department of Athletics’ operations manual. The faculty athletics representative duties at NMSU include, but are not limited to:

  1. Advising the president and the director of athletics on all matters related to intercollegiate athletics;
  2. Serving as the institutional representative to the NCAA and Conference;
  3. Acting as a liaison between the Department of Athletics and other university stakeholders regarding rules interpretation, compliance, and policy;
  4. Participating as a member of the Athletics Council;
  5. Making appropriate inquiries of the NCAA or Conference staff regarding interpretation of association and Conference rules;
  6. Certifying the NCAA and Conference eligibility status of each student-athlete;
  7. Assisting student-athletes in Conference-level hardship petitions;
  8. Representing the university on compliance issues before appropriate NCAA and Conference committees;
  9. Serving on any required committee charged with investigation of alleged violations and assist in recommending corrective action when violations are confirmed;
  10. Providing oversight for the NCAA Coaches Certification testing program;
  11. Performing such other duties as may be assigned through the Department of Athletics Operations Manual and approved by the president.



Revision History:

05/08/2018 Amendment approved by Chancellor
2017 Recompilation