18.45 – Lobbying

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Responsible Administrator: VP Research
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 09/08/2005

  1. In compliance with Section 310 of Public Law 101-121, it is the policy of the university that no monies shall be used directly or indirectly to influence any member of the federal legislative or executive branches unless in strict compliance with the exceptions of that public law and the regulations issued there under.
  2. No employee of the university, agent of the university, or paid lobbyist shall contact any employee or officer of the federal, state, or local governments for the purpose of influencing that employee or officer without complying with this policy.
  3. The vice president for research is directed to be the sole individual responsible for assuring the compliance with this policy. The vice president for research may designate one or more individuals to act in the absence of the vice president for research, in order to assure continuity.



Revision History:

2017 Recompilation, formerly 2.45