2.10 - Administrative Unit Change Process

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: Vice President Administration and Finance
Responsible Administrator: AVP Human Resource Services
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 04/10/2018


Administrative units are those not within a college, a school or the library, without regard to geographical location.

This rule provides guidance relating to the organizational structure of administrative units including levels of management and supervisory span of control and provides the process to make an organizational change.


  1. Levels of Management: Unless an exception justifies otherwise, administrative units should have no more than three levels of management. The president, the provost and chief academic officer and the vice president administration and finance are not counted as a management level (i.e. considered to be at Management Level 0). Direct reports to the president and provost and chief academic officer (deans, vice presidents, associate provosts, etc.) are considered Level 1 Managers.
  2. Supervisory Span of Control: Employees with managerial/supervisory responsibilities should have 8-12 direct reports.


  1. Initiation of Proposal
    1. A head of an administrative unit or higher-level administrator may propose organizational changes (proposer).
    2. The proposal for reorganization must clearly explain the rationale supporting the change, and justify any deviation from the above guidelines or any unit elimination or relocation. The proposal must include current and proposed organizational charts, to assist in clarifying how the involved unit(s) will be affected by the proposed change. Solid lines will indicate administrative reporting lines; dotted lines will indicate dual functional reporting lines. See Regents Policy 2.00 – Organizational Charts and Reporting Relationships.
    3. The cognizant vice president or equivalent must approve the proposal before it is submitted to the assistant vice president for human resource services.
    4. Once the cognizant vice president or equivalent approves the proposal, the proposer submits it to the assistant vice president for human resource services.
  2. Review and Approval of Minor Changes: Basic organizational changes internal to the unit, which do not impact other units and do not deviate from the above guidelines or propose elimination or relocation of any administrative unit, will be reviewed by and become effective upon approval of the assistant vice president for human resource services.
  3. Review and Approval of Major Changes: An organizational change that is not consistent with the above guidelines or that proposes to eliminate or relocate an administrative unit is considered a major organization change and requires approval of the president, after review and recommendation of the assistant vice president for human resource services. Prior to forwarding the proposal to the president, the proposer will work with the assistant vice president for human resource services in an effort to maintain the integrity of the university’s guidelines on levels of management and supervisory span of control, or to document justification for an exception, as well as to coordinate with other affected units. The proposed change becomes effective upon approval of the president, who will notify the assistant vice president for human resource services.
  4. Implementation of Organizational Change: The assistant vice president for human resource services will notify the proposer and other affected units of any approved change.  Once the proposal is approved, the proposer or appropriate unit director will complete and submit any required personnel action forms and revised organizational charts, as may be directed by the Office of Human Resource Services.



RPM 2.00 - Organizational Charts and Reporting Relationships
ARP 18.10 - Namings

Revision History:

04/10/2018 Amendments approved by Chancellor
2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 1.15