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3.01 – Duty to Report Ethical Concerns; Retaliation Prohibited

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: University General Counsel
Responsible Administrator: Director Office of People Relations
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 09/08/2005

Individuals who have concerns about the propriety of a situation or about the conduct of a university employee or someone acting on behalf of the university, are expected to consult with appropriate university officials (that is, the person to whom the individual whose conduct is in question directly reports or, in the case of someone acting on behalf of the university, the chair of the Committee on Conflicts of Interest in Sponsored Activities, or when a regent is involved, the President).  Confidentiality about individuals reporting violations of these standards will be maintained whenever possible and employees shall be free from retaliation for voicing concerns.



Revision History:

2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 3.19.30