3.26 – Gender Equity and Statement of Principles

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: University General Counsel
Responsible Administrator: Executive Director Institutional Equity
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 10/22/2007

New Mexico State University (“NMSU”) is committed to promoting and improving gender equity by adjusting its policies and administrative rules and procedures, and implementing concrete actions designed to improve gender equity throughout the university community. To this end, NMSU adheres to the following principles:

NMSU affirms the sex and gender equality of all individuals in the NMSU community. Gender Equality among faculty, students, staff and associated workers is a source of human excellence, cultural enrichment and social strength. NMSU recognizes that a harmonious climate in relation to gender is essential to the academic, professional and personal development of its members.

NMSU acknowledges its ongoing responsibility to develop and support a responsive and open environment that is gender inclusive; to promote anti-sexism; and to create a study, work and living environment that is free of discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex, gender or gender identity.

NMSU is committed to the objective of ensuring sex and gender equity in the NMSU community. NMSU is committed to improving the status of women at NMSU to achieve sex and gender equity.

NMSU acknowledges its ongoing responsibility to develop and support a university community whose diversity reflects the students it educates; to support equity and full participation by women in the issues such as compensation and distribution of resources; and to support a work environment in which individuals with family responsibilities are not disadvantaged.



See also: 

RPM 3.25 - Equal Opportunity and Prohibition of Unlawful Discrimination

Revision History:

2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 1.20
10/22/2007 Policy adoption approved by Board of Regents
06/10/2007 Policy approved by Administrative Council