4.62 – Articulation Agreements

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: President
Responsible Administrator: Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 09/08/2005

  1. The decision to participate in an articulation agreement with another institution(s) rests with the faculty.
  2. For those articulation agreements that are initiated by the New Mexico Higher Education Department, the administration will appoint a representative to the HED Statewide Articulation Task Force. The representative will consult closely with faculty in individual departments on discipline-specific course equivalencies prior to signing any articulation agreements. Department faculty must approve any changes which affect how credit is awarded in their discipline prior to implementation. Faculty approval is not required if the proposed changes are already reflected in the Course Transfer Matrix established by the University Student Records Office. (See Transfer Credit in Undergraduate Catalog)
  3. In cases where a change in the current HED Articulation Agreement will affect the university’s general education requirements, the representative will consult closely with the General Education Committee prior to signing any articulation agreements. The General Education Committee must approve any changes affecting the structure of the university’s general education curriculum prior to its implementation.
  4. For those articulation agreements initiated by a university department or college, the initiating department or college will consult closely with the faculty in individual departments on discipline-specific course equivalencies prior to signing any articulation agreements. Department faculty must approve any changes in how credit is awarded in their discipline prior to implementation. Faculty approval is not required if the proposed changes are already reflected in the Course Transfer Matrix established by the University Student Records Office. (See Transfer Credit in Undergraduate Catalog)
  5. The Board of Regents endorses the concept of articulation between 2 and 4-year colleges and universities. At the university, the evaluation of transfer students’ transcripts has been done by one central office for over 15 years. By centrally evaluating these transcripts, the majority of the problems with respect to articulation have been resolved. In addition, the university has prepared academic transfer guides for all two-year institutions in the state of New Mexico. To promote the continuous efficient, forward progress of students through the educational system of New Mexico, the board endorses practices and matrices which facilitate the intrastate transfer of credit and support the development and implementation of a statewide articulation plan. To this end, students awarded the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree from an accredited New Mexico postsecondary institution will be accepted at the junior level* in baccalaureate degree-granting institutions.
    *Students will be allowed to register as juniors. They may be required to take lower division coursework to fulfill specific baccalaureate degree requirements. This interpretation will be published in catalogs and student transfer guides.



Transfer Credit in Undergraduate Catalog

Revision History:

2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 6.15