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4.68 – Course Curriculum Changes

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: President
Responsible Administrator: Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 05/08/2018


This rule provides the rules and procedures to change course curricula (includes the addition, deletion of courses, modification of course descriptions, credit hours or prerequisites), including changes to the course prefixes.


Prior to placement in, or deletion from, the Catalog or Schedule of Classes, all new courses, course changes (description, credit, prerequisite, etc.), and course deletions must be recommended by the University Curriculum Committee (UCC)  and approved by the Office of the provost and chief academic officer. In the event of extenuating circumstances, as determined by the provost and chief academic officer in consultation with the University Student Records Office, changes may be approved without prior action by the UCC.

If course changes and additions are related to new or modified degrees, majors, minors or other academic programs of study, these changes must be approved prior to submitting proposals required by ARP 4.81 – Degrees, Majors, Minors and other Academic Programs of Study.


The University Curriculum Committee (UCC) consists of the academic associate dean from each college and the academic vice president from each community college.  The Catalog editor and a representative from the Office of the Provost serve on the UCC as ex officio members. The UCC will select one of its voting members to serve as chair.  The UCC has system wide authority to review proposals on behalf of the university system relating to course curricula and to make recommendations to the Office of the provost and chief academic officer.


Each fall, the University Student Records Office convenes a meeting of the University Curriculum Committee (UCC) to review and make recommendations relating to the approval of proposal curricula changes. Deadlines for the Course Action Form cycle will be announced and enforced within the announcement page of the Course Action Form system and on the University Student Records Office website.  The University Student Records Office, with approval from the provost and chief academic officer , is empowered to effectuate curricular changes without prior action by the UCC, based on extenuating circumstances as determined by the provost and chief academic officer in consultation with the University Student Records Office.


  1. Guidelines and Forms: The University Student Records Office coordinates closely with the chair of the University Curriculum Committee and the Office of the provost and chief academic officer relating to implementation of this rule.  In consultation with the University Curriculum Committee, the University Student Records Office is authorized to develop and publish guidelines and forms to facilitate course curricula changes, including course prefix changes, consistent with this rule and state law and regulations.  Such guidelines, forms and deadlines will cross reference or link to this rule and be posted at http://records.nmsu.edu/.
  2. Automatic Course Inactivation: Courses that have not been offered for 5 years are subject to automatic inactivation by the University Student Records Office. Before initiating inactivation, the University Student Records Office prepares and circulates to the authorized departmental designee a list of such courses.  Departments may utilize the University Student Records Office fast track reactivation process, with appropriate justification to maintain the course.


  1. Requests by the academic units for a new or revised course prefix must be submitted to the University Student Records Office, with a completed Course Prefix Review Form. The University Student Records Office will screen the requests and work with the requesting unit regarding applicable criteria consistent with state regulations, and availability for use.
  2. The University Student Records will submit the requests to the University Curriculum Committee for review and recommended disposition.
  3. The University Curriculum Committee reviews and provides a recommendation to the Office of the Executive Vice President, which will review and render the decision.
  4. After action by the Office of the provost and chief academic officer, the Form is returned to the University Student Records Office for implementation.


  1. Requests by the academic units for course curricula changes, including proposals to add or delete courses, or to change the course description, credits or prerequisites, must be submitted using the Course Action Forms (CAF) system, as described below.
  2. Each academic department will authorize a designee for purposes of access to the Course Action Form (CAF) system. The University Student Records Office will provide each designee a code to access the system. The authorized departmental designees submit the CAF Routing Request Form in advance of the deadline (published at http://records.nmsu.edu/), to initiate their proposal(s) for a course curricula changes.
  3. The department’s designee ensures that the appropriate college approvals have been obtained prior to submission of the Course Action Forms. Colleges may have an internal approval process that is required to be completed prior to the Associate Dean/VP approval of the Course Action Forms.  Such process is determined by the college.
  4. The Catalog Editor provides the first level of review, for accuracy within the student information system and for compliance with policy and state regulations.
  5. After review and adjustment in coordination with the submitting department, if any, the University Student Records Office convenes the University Curriculum Committee (UCC) to review all proposed curricular changes, to ensure they are consistent with the academic mission of the degree, and to reduce unnecessary duplication of courses.
    1. Objections to any change described on the Course Action Form (CAF) should be raised at the UCC meeting, for discussion and resolution.
    2. The UCC may recommend an offering of a new course, or a change to an existing course on a one-time-only basis, if the courses are to be used in programs with special outside funding, or under the following circumstances:
      1. The course responds to special circumstances that are causing a negative impact on a large number of students.
      2. The course responds to specific needs in a grant recently received.
      3. Changes in accreditation requirements dictate immediate changes in the curriculum.
  6. For proposals relating to curricular changes to the General Education and Viewing a Wider World requirements, such proposals must also be reviewed by the General Education Course Certification Committee. (See ARP 4.65)
  7. The Office of the provost and chief academic officer reviews the recommendations of both the UCC and the General Education Certification Committee and takes final action, as well as coordinates with the University Student Records Office regarding implementation of the curricular changes. If the provost’s action differs from the UCC’s recommendation, the chair of the UCC will be notified.



ARP 4.81 - Degrees, Majors, Minors and Other Academic Programs of Study
ARP 4.65 - General Education Coursework Required for Graduation

Revision History:

05/08/2018 Amendment approved by Chancellor
2017 Recompilation, formerly Rules 6.35 & 6.26 Part 5
05/10/2017 Amendment to Rule 6.26 approved by Chancellor
12/09/2016 Repeal of Policy 6.26 from Regents Policy Manual approved by Board of Regents
10/21/2015 former Policy 6.26 replicated by Board of Regents as initial Rule 6.26