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5.21 – SSCC – Student Rights and Responsibilities

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Responsible Administrator: Vice President for Student Success and Enrollment Management
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated:  08/13/2019

Below is a non-exhaustive list of Student rights and responsibilities, in the context of expectations for social conduct.  Procedural rights and responsibilities under SSCC conduct cases are set forth in ARP 5.26.

  1. Duty to Cooperate Consistent with Constitutional Rights: Students in any capacity (e.g. involved party or a witness) must be honest and cooperative with NMSU officials during investigative and hearing/appeal processes. This responsibility is subject to a student’s constitutional right to remain silent, and not implicate oneself in a crime. If a student exercises the right to remain silent, or elects not to participate at all in the proceedings, the Hearing Officer may proceed based upon evidence gathered from other sources.
  2. Fairness of SSCC Proceeding: Students have the right to notice that they are accused of misconduct in violation of the SSCC, and a fair and impartial process in the investigation and determination of the SSCC case. The specific procedures are described in ARP 5.26.
  3. Policy Compliance: Students are deemed to have knowledge of and are responsible for abiding by NMSU policy, rules and regulations (arp.nmsu.edu and rpm.nmsu.edu), including but not limited to this Student Social Code of Conduct and the Student Academic Code of Conduct (ARP 5.10 and 5.11).
  4. Non-Discrimination: Students have the right to an academic and work environment free of illegal discrimination. The NMSU Notice of Non-Discrimination is available here: https://equity.nmsu.edu/notice-of-non-discrimination/. Discrimination is governed by ARP 3.25 – Prohibition of All Forms of Unlawful Discrimination.
  5. Reasonable Accommodation: Students have the right to request a reasonable accommodation based on disability. To request an accommodation, the Student may contact the Dean of Students directly at 575-646-1722, or the Student Accessibility Services at 575-646-6840 (V/TTY) or sas@nmsu.edu.
  6. Sanction Compliance: Students must complete all sanction(s) accepted or imposed by the Hearing Officer or Appeal Officer, as appropriate, and notify the Dean of Students that the sanction(s) has been completed.
  7. Supportive or Protective Relief: Students may request interim academic or personal supportive or protective relief from OIE or DOS as appropriate, based on the specific circumstances relating to a conduct case. (See ARP 5.23-Interim Measures)
  8. Use of NMSU Email Account: Students are required to check their assigned NMSU email account regularly for official correspondence relating to student status. Students are responsible for reading and responding to communications sent to their NMSU email account.  A failure to participate in an SSCC conduct case based on a lack of actual knowledge of items delivered to the Student’s NMSU email account is not a viable excuse or defense.



Incidents, Concerns, and Complaints Reporting
ARP 5.20 - SSCC Student Social Code of Conduct Overview
ARP 5.22 - SSCC Conduct Standards
ARP 5.23 - SSCC Interim Measures
ARP 5.24 - SSCC Amnesty for Emergency Reporting
ARP 5.25 - SSCC Consequences for Violation
ARP 5.26 - SSCC Conduct Case Procedures

Revision History:

08/13/2019 Amendment approved by Chancellor
05/24/2019 Amendment updating and restructuring the Student Social Code of Conduct as ARP 5.20 – ARP 5.26
03/08/2019 Student Social Code of Conduct relocated from Student Handbook, pursuant to revised RPM 5.20 C. 1.
08/15/2015 Amended pursuant to Policy 3.101, Authorization of Student Social Code of Conduct (subsequently recompiled as RPM 5.20)