6.11 – Job Sharing

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: Vice President Administration and Finance
Responsible Administrator: AVP Human Resource Services
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 06/21/2016

When two people may be in the same academic department, a job sharing arrangement may be established. Salary and work duties are negotiable between the two people and the department subject to approval by the appropriate college dean and the provost and chief academic officer. Candidates should discuss job sharing with the department head as early as possible in the search process.



Revision History:

2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 4.30 E.
06/21/2016 Amendment  approved by Chancellor
10/21/2015 former Policy 4.30 replicated by Board of Regents as initial Rule 4.30
Prior revision history as Policy 4.30 not available