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6.30 – Tenure Track Faculty Appointment

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: President
Responsible Administrator: Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 07/29/2009


Tenure at the university is placed in a specific department/program/community college where the criteria for each individual’s tenure are established.  Tenure at the community college means at the community college, not on the main campus.  There is no obligation to bring the person to the main campus if the person’s position ceases to exist at the community college.


Excerpts from this manual regarding promotion and tenure will be presented to each new member of the faculty* prior to appointment and the faculty member’s acceptance of an appointment indicates understanding and acceptance of the provisions of the contract as specified in this manual.  Information regarding social security, retirement, hospitalization, disability, and life insurance will be presented to each prospective member of the faculty prior to appointment and acceptance of the conditions of employment.  The patent policy, rules and procedures for the university staff will be presented to each prospective member of the faculty prior to appointment, and acceptance of the appointment indicates understanding and acceptance of this policy.  See ARP 11.05 – Intellectual Property Management and Commercialization.


Contracts which cover an employment period of either 9 months or 12 months are issued as follows:

  1. Contracts are issued to full-time tenure-track faculty members.* Full-time is interpreted to apply to tenure-track faculty members who are released no more than 1/4 time to duties other than academic and/or research programs and/or academic administration.  Unless prior approval for exception is obtained from the department head, dean, and : provost and chief academic officer, it will be considered that all other faculty are less than full-time and occupy non-tenure-track positions.
  2. Nine-month contracts cover the period from the opening faculty meeting in the fall to the date final grade reports are due for the spring semester; 12-month contracts are issued effective July 1 and terminate on June 30 of the following year. Temporary contracts are presumed to end at the conclusion of the stated term.  The terms shall be stated in contractual form and a copy retained by the university and the appointee.
  3. New tenure-track faculty reporting for duty after the last Friday in September (12-month employees) or the second Friday in October (9-month employees) will not receive a temporary contract. Instead, the dean will prepare an agreement for the new faculty member’s signature covering employment for the remainder of the year (this form to be submitted with the initial Personnel Action Form).  The first contract will be issued at the beginning of the next contract period, which will constitute the first year of the probationary period toward tenure.

*Interpreted as including all tenure-track and tenured members of the instruction staff and the Agricultural Experiment Station staff; all Cooperative Extension Service state staff members; the Research Centers’ staffs; and any others whom the Board of Regents may designate.



ARP 11.05 – Intellectual Property Management and Commercialization

Revision History:

2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 5.98 A – C
07/29/2009 Amendment approved by Board of Regents