6.70 – Searches for Academic Administrators

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: President
Responsible Administrator: Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 02/01/2010

  1. Guidelines and procedures for a search may be found in the Search Committee Guidelines, copies of which are available in departmental offices or through the Office of Institutional Equity/OIE.
  2. Faculty members shall serve on search committees for academic administrative positions.  They will be nominated and elected for this specific purpose.
  3. The provost and chief academic officer will inform the chair of the Faculty Senate about nonacademic administrative searches, and the chair may request similar faculty representation.
  4. All academic administrative positions at the department head (or equivalent) or above level, including that of the President, require a search to be filled permanently.
  5. A search at the department head (or equivalent) or associate dean levels may be done externally or internally.
  6. Searches for all positions at the dean (or equivalent) level must allow external applicants.
  7. Internal candidates, including interims, are allowed to apply for any position.
  8. In all cases where external and internal candidates apply for the same position, these applicants will be treated equally. There is no assumed preference for internal applicants.
  9. The provisions of this rule do not limit the Board of Regents when negotiating a contract for interim president.



Revision History:

2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 5.96
02/01/2010 Amendment ratified by Board of Regents
09/25/2009 Adoption of amendment approved by Board of Regents
04/14/2009 Amendment approved by Administrative Council