7.32 – Faculty Salary Increase for Promotion

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: President
Responsible Administrator: Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 10/09/2018


To reward and incentivize faculty progress along the academic ranks, and assist the university with the retention of talented, capable and experienced faculty through the award of promotional increases to base salary.


  1. Funds Availability: Subject to the contingencies described in ARP 7.30, each tenured, tenure track and college track faculty member promoted to a higher rank shall receive an upward adjustment in base salary, prorated based on FTE, irrespective of any other salary increases.
  2. Calculation of Promotional Increase: The amount of the base salary increase for the promotion will be calculated using the mean salary of the incumbents in the rank to which the faculty member is being promoted.  If there were to be no incumbent at the higher rank in the promoted faculty member’s track (e.g. tenured, tenure-track or college track) within the promoted faculty member’s college or community college, as appropriate, an equitable promotion increment will be determined by the provost and chief academic officer or community college president, as appropriate, in consultation with Human Resources.
    1. Promotion from Rank of Instructor to Assistant Professor: Faculty promoted from the rank of instructor to assistant professor shall receive an upward adjustment to base salary of 7% of the current mean salary of all assistant professors within the college or community college, as appropriate, calculated separately for college and tenure track.
    2. Promotion from Rank of Assistant Professor to Associate Professor: Faculty promoted from the rank of assistant professor to associate professor shall receive an upward adjustment to base salary of 7% of the current mean salary of all associate professors within the college or community college, as appropriate, calculated separately for college and tenure track.
    3. Promotion from Rank of Associate Professor to Professor: Faculty promoted from the rank of associate professor to the rank of professor shall receive an upward adjustment to base salary of 11% of the current mean salary of all professors in the college or community college, as appropriate, calculated separately for college and tenure track.
  3. Effective Date: Consistent with ARP 7.30, this rule was implemented with the 2018/2019 Academic Year for eligible NMSU-Las Cruces faculty.  This rule will be implemented with the 2019/2020 Academic Year for eligible community college faculty.



ARP 7.30 - Tenure Track and Tenured Faculty – Salary Adjustments

Revision History:

10/09/2018 Amendment approved by Chancellor
2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 5.27
03/14/2017 Amendment approved by Chancellor
10/21/2015 former Policy 5.25  replicated by Board of Regents as initial Rule 5.25
Prior revision history as Policy 5.25 not available