7.52 – Staff Reclassification

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: Vice President Administration and Finance
Responsible Administrator: AVP Human Resource Services
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 08/22/2011

The level and/or grade of positions are determined by the Office of Human Resource Services as authorized by the provost and chief academic officer.  The Office of Human Resource Services may direct, through the provost and chief academic officer, that duties be added, taken away or reassigned from existing positions in order to correspond with currently authorized levels and/or grades


  1. A supervisor requesting to make significant changes in the duties and responsibilities of a position may prepare a Position Description Questionnaire detailing the characteristics, duties, responsibilities and minimum qualifications of the position in question. After obtaining the comments and signatures of the employee when appropriate, the department head/director, and the dean/vice president, the supervisor should forward the completed Position Description Questionnaire to the Office of Human Resource Services for a reclassification review.
  2. A regular non-probationary employee who has reason to believe a position is misclassified may request a classification review. The Position Description Questionnaire will be sent through channels to the Office of Human Resource Services.  Supervisors should comment on the Position Description Questionnaire and forward through channels.
  3. Reclassification requests will be considered three times per year. Requests submitted in June, July, August, and September will be reviewed in October and effective in November.  Requests submitted in October, November, December, and January will be reviewed in February and effective in March.  Requests submitted in February, March, April, and May will be reviewed in June and effective in July.
  4. Reclassification requests of new or vacant positions are considered upon submission.
  5. The director/department head and/or the employee may appeal the reclassification review decision to the assistant vice president for human resource services within 15 working days of receiving notification of the decision.
  6. The decision of the assistant vice president for human resource services may be appealed within 15 working days to the provost and chief academic officer, whose decision is final.
  7. A nonexempt reclassification action which results in an upgrade of more than 3 grades is normally advertised except when there is no interim career grade or is specifically exempted by the Office of Human Resource Services. Reclassification of a position does not, however, guarantee promotion of an incumbent employee.  If the incumbent does not have the experience, knowledge, skills or ability to perform the responsibilities of the reclassified position, the incumbent will be considered for transfer.
  8. When a position is changed to a classification with a lower grade, the incumbent may be considered for transfer to an appropriate vacant position.
  9. The employee’s probationary status will not change.
  10. Reclassification requests to change a position from nonexempt to exempt status may be submitted in accordance with the procedure outlined below for exempt positions.


  1. A supervisor requesting to make major changes in level, title, responsibilities, or salary range of an exempt position may submit an exempt Position Description Questionnaire and a request in memorandum form through the Office of Human Resource Services to the provost and chief academic officer for review and consideration.
  2. A regular exempt non-probationary employee who has reason to believe a position is misclassified may request a classification review.
  3. The director/department head and/or the employee may appeal the reclassification review decision to the assistant vice president for human resource services within 15 working days of receiving notification of the decision.
  4. The decision of the assistant vice president for human resource services may be appealed within 15 working days to the provost and chief academic officer, whose decision is final.



Revision History:

2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 8.55 B.