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7.60 – Transfers

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: Vice President Administration and Finance
Responsible Administrator: AVP Human Resource Services
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 07/29/2009

The university reserves the right to transfer or assign employees throughout the university as workloads and administrative judgment deem necessary.


  1. Two appointing authorities may laterally transfer, voluntarily or involuntarily, a nonexempt employee from a position in a classification and grade to another position in the same grade within a major organizational unit, such as a college or division with approval of the assistant vice president for human resource services.
  2. To cross college or division lines, a request must be made in writing to the assistant vice president for human resource services.
  3. Exempt employees may be laterally transferred voluntarily or involuntarily throughout the university with prior approval from the assistant vice president for human resource services and provost and chief academic officer.
  4. The employee’s education and experience should correspond with those required by the position being transferred to.
  5. A salary adjustment will not normally be awarded if the position to which employee is transferred is similar in overall duties and responsibilities.
  6. An E-Hire Form, leave records, and performance evaluation form will be submitted after approval for transfer has been obtained.
  7. Requests for transfer, initiated by nonexempt employees, will be made on a Transfer Request Form obtained in the Office of Human Resource Services.  Each request will be evaluated by the merits of the situation.
  8. Employees with overall needs improvement or unsatisfactory ratings are ineligible for transfer consideration.
  9. Employees serving any type of probationary period may not transfer outside of their organizational unit without obtaining a written release from their current supervisor.


Normally there are four types of transfers of faculty members within various agencies of the university:

  1. A faculty member leaving an instructional/research department to serve in a different instructional/research department. Under these circumstances, the individual may be given credit toward a continuous contract for the years served in the earlier department.  With proper departmental and college vote, and the completion of a Contract Status Form by the new department, tenure may be transferred with a faculty member from one department to another.
  2. The transfer of a faculty member from a non-instructional division to an instructional division or vice versa. Under these circumstances, years of service in the prior position will not necessarily count toward a continuous contract in the new position.  Proven performance in the first position, under these circumstances, might not assure that the individual would be able to render satisfactory professional service in the new area of assignment.
  3. The transfer of a faculty member from the university community college campuses to an instructional division on the main campus or vice versa. Under these circumstances, years of service in the prior position will not necessarily count toward a continuous contract in the new position or assure appointment in an equivalent rank.  Proven performance in the community college or main campus position might not assure that the individual meets the rank requirements of the new position.
  4. The transfer of a faculty member from one community college to another: Under these circumstances, the individual may be given credit towards a continuous contract and rank for the years in the previous community college.



Revision History:

2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 8.70 & 5.98 J.
07/29/2009 Amendment approved by Board of Regents