7.70 – Separation from NMSU Service

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: Vice President Administration and Finance
Responsible Administrator: AVP Human Resource Services
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 09/08/2005

When an individual leaves employment with the university, a number of details must be attended to, both by the employee and the employing department.  Employees separating from the university should make arrangements to return all university property in their possession and settle any accounts with the university prior to their separation.  Property should be returned when an employee transfers from one department to another department within the university as well.  Examples of property that should be returned include, but are not limited to: keys, identification cards, university -issued credit cards, computer hardware and software, cell phones, classroom materials (such as grade books/files, completed exams), sponsored project files, etc.  Accounts to be settled may include such things as parking or library fines, tuition and fees, advances or overpays, personal phone calls, and so on.  Departing employees may need to make arrangements with the Office of Human Resource Services regarding such things as health insurance and retirement rollovers as well.

Supervisors of employing departments are separately responsible for ensuring that required forms and notifications to payroll and the Office of Human Resources are submitted in a timely manner, and that access to university property and systems is terminated by having combinations changed, canceling computer system access codes, etc.  Computer hard drives should also be checked for sensitive information and unlicensed software.

An optional NMSU Separation Checklist is available that employees and employing departments may find helpful in the separation process and can be found at: HR Forms Employee Separation Checklist.



Revision History:

2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 4.26