8.52 – LOA – Educational (With and Without Pay)

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: Vice President Administration and Finance
Responsible Administrator: AVP Human Resource Services
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 09/08/2005


After 5 years of satisfactory service, leave with partial pay may be requested by any full-time faculty member on regular appointment with rank of instructor or above (including exempt staff with faculty rank in the Cooperative Extension Service), normally for the purpose of taking coursework toward a degree, professional licensure or certificate which is related to the individual’s university job assignment. If granted, the recipient of such leave shall be required to sign a supplementary contract agreeing to return to the employing university unit and to serve for a minimum of 2 years. Failure to do so would require immediate full refund of all salary paid by the university during the leave. Normally, no individual may receive more than one such leave with pay. In the case of a non-tenured faculty member, time used for educational leave (with or without pay) will not apply toward the probationary period. The time granted for educational leave with pay will not normally exceed the time allowed for a sabbatical leave. The following options apply:

  1. One semester at no reduction in annual salary.
  2. One full academic year at half salary. (Those within 5 years of retirement may wish to request full salary for 1 semester or a 6-month period and personal leave without pay for the other half.) Semester II (spring) of 1 year and Semester I (fall) of the following year, at l/4 annual salary for each semester of leave.


Any regular full‑time exempt staff member or faculty member on regular appointment with rank of instructor or above is eligible for and may request an educational leave of absence without pay after 3 years of service, normally for the purpose of taking coursework toward a degree, professional licensure or certificate which is related to the individual’s university job assignment. If the leave is approved, all annual leave should be used before the educational leave without pay begins. The individual’s sick leave balance at the beginning of the leave remains on hold during the period of the leave. The university will contribute the employer’s portion of insurance premiums during the leave period. A faculty member on educational leave without pay, on continuous or temporary contract, will be required to notify the department head in writing 90 days before the educational leave without pay terminates, or 30 days after notification of salary and position, whichever is later as to the date of return to academic service on the faculty. In the absence of such notification, the department head may immediately initiate proceedings for termination of the contract.



Revision History:
2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 7.20.35