9.05 – Staff Performance Evaluation

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: Vice President Administration and Finance
Responsible Administrator: AVP Human Resource Services
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 12/05/2023


An evaluation should be completed:

  1. After completion of a probationary period for nonexempt employees.
  2. When requesting to extend a probationary period.
  3. Annually for purposes of providing feedback and development as well as allocating merit increases or performance adjustments, when available.
  4. Any time a supervisor considers an evaluation necessary.
  5. Upon transfer of an exempt employee to a new organizational unit.
  6. In conjunction with specific employment transactions such as position reclassifications, promotions, transfers, internal hires, and reassignments.
  7. With relevant employee relations matters.


  1. Evaluations will be made on the official Staff Performance Evaluation Form.
  2. Annual evaluations are completed during the annual cycle using the electronic system.  Other evaluations outside the annual cycle are completed on a fillable, manual form.
  3. The form will be completed by the immediate supervisor or designee prior to discussion with the employee.
  4. The evaluator should discuss the evaluation with the employee, providing feedback on performance over the review period and sharing expectations on opportunities for continuous improvement. 
  5. The employee may discuss the feedback and ratings with the evaluator prior to signing the evaluation form.
  6. The employee will be provided access to the completed form.
  7. If the employee does not agree with the evaluation, the employee may prepare an addendum to the evaluation to be placed in the employee’s personnel file.
  8. In the event that a supervisor is not able to evaluate due to lack of longevity in the position or lack of knowledge about the employee, the supervisor may designate a responsible official to complete the Performance Evaluation Form.
  9. The employee’s current supervisor is responsible for completing the evaluation process and may consult with previous supervisors of the employee in giving feedback and assigning evaluation scores.


Probationary and temporary employees do not have appeal or grievance rights.  An employee appeal may be forwarded in writing to Office of People Relations within 15 working days of receipt of the evaluation form containing all necessary signatures. The appeal should state specifically what area(s) of the evaluation are being appealed and why. The Office of People Relations will review the appeal and attempt conciliation. Performance evaluations with overall ratings of unsuccessful or partially successful may be appealed using the grievance procedure.



Revision History:

12/05/2023 amendment approved by President
2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 8.50 Parts 6–9
06/21/2016 Recompilation approved by Chancellor
10/21/2015 Policy 8.50 approved as initial Rule 8.50 by Board of Regents
07/21/2015 Amendment to Policy 8.50 approved by Board of Regents
04/27/2015 Provisional Amendment to Policy 8.50 implemented by Chancellor
07/29/2009 Amendment to Policy 8.50 ratified by Board of Regents
09/09/2008 Amendment to Policy 8.50 approved by Administrative Council
10/22/2007 Amendment to Policy 8.50 ratified by Board of Regents