9.20 – [Pre-AY 18/19] Faculty Performance Evaluation

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: President
Responsible Administrator: Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 05/20/2019


The performance of each faculty member will be reviewed at least once a year by the department head, comparable administrator, or a committee. This review will include a written report submitted by the faculty member. The form(s) of this report shall be determined by individual colleges (community colleges) in consultation with their departments. The department head or comparable administrator shall report the results of this review to the individual being reviewed. These results shall serve to establish the goals for the following year. A written copy of the evaluation shall be given to the faculty member.


  1. Each college uses its own performance evaluation form. Early in each fall semester the department head or comparable administrator supplies each faculty member with a form. At this time the department head confers with new faculty members concerning the recording of objectives and goals and the general use of the form. In the case of continuing faculty members, the department head or faculty may request a conference for the purpose of revising or updating objectives previously agreed upon. Department heads will share the above agreements in writing with the faculty member.
  2. Department heads are expected to meet with all new and returning faculty members regarding progress toward promotion and tenure and to certify in writing to the appropriate dean that these meetings have occurred. Specific evaluative comments in each of the three areas of performance are required, as well as separate comments about progress toward tenure and toward promotion.
  3. Student evaluations considered as part of performance evaluations, may not include numerical ratings, letter grades, or other “scores” of specific aspects of the course, the course as a whole, or of the instructor.
  4. Each faculty member completes a written form detailing and citing accomplishments in the broad categories of teaching, research and/or creative scholarship, and service during the performance evaluation period. The type, method of collection, and disposition of evidence regarding effectiveness of teaching is of particular importance, and faculty should consult with department heads concerning collection of this evidence. The performance evaluation form, along with any supplemental material, is submitted by each faculty member to the faculty member’s department head.
  5. The department head reviews the faculty performance forms, prepares a written evaluation based upon accomplishments reported as compared with previously set goals and objectives (a copy of this report will be shared with the faculty member), and confers with appropriate deans to achieve consensus on the written recommendation and the prepared summary to be discussed with the faculty member. Following the conference with the dean, the department head meets with the faculty member to discuss all aspects of the performance evaluation, addressing separately the person’s progress toward promotion, progress toward tenure, strengths, and weaknesses. This conference also serves to set goals and objectives for the ensuing year. No mention shall be made at this conference of the recommendation in terms of dollars. These goals and objectives will be placed in writing, with a copy to the faculty member.
  6. At community colleges with program coordinators, the coordinator performs the duties of a department head in the evaluation process. The coordinator will confer with the community college executive officer, who in turn confers with the provost and chief academic officer.
  7. Department heads formulate recommendations where appropriate regarding promotion and tenure on the basis of policies stated in this manual. These are communicated to the college dean.
  8. Each college generates its own time schedule for accomplishing the above items, within the parameters of the university calendar.
  9. It will be the function of the Faculty Senate to legislate policy, rules or procedures regarding the Faculty Performance Evaluation System.



Combined P & T Rules Through 08/12/2018
Combined P & T Rules After 08/12/2018

Revision History:

05/20/2019 Amendment [FSP Prop 16-18/19] approved by Chancellor
2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 5.86