9.42 – Tenure Track and Tenured Faculty – Resignation Notice

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: President
Responsible Administrator: Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 05/13/2016

  1. Any tenure track faculty member intending to resign shall give written notice to the administration at the earliest time possible, but in no case later than 30 days after receipt of written notification of the terms of the next year’s contract, or three months prior to the start of the following academic year, whichever is later, except when mutually agreed upon by the individual and the administration. The faculty member should inform the department head in writing.  The department head will inform the dean, who in turn will notify the provost and chief academic officer.  The department head should then submit a terminating Personnel Action Form at the earliest possible date.
  2. If a faculty member dies, their estate will receive compensation for all unused annual leave accrued at the time of death, up to a maximum of 52 working days of leave.
  3. If a person listed by the promotion and tenure committee does not wish to be considered for promotion or tenure, the person must so indicate to the department head in writing. However, if the person is in the fifth year of tenure-track service, withdrawal from consideration for tenure must be accompanied by written notice of resignation effective at the end of the sixth year of service (this notice must be received by the department head before the end of the fifth year of service).
  4. The section above on voluntary termination of temporary contracts also applies to continuous contract employees.



Revision History:

09/01/2023 Title change from "provost and senior vice president for academic affairs" to "provost and chief academic officer"
2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 5.98 F & K