9.62 – Administrative Review of Associate Deans and Community College Academic Officers

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: President
Responsible Administrator: Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 05/13/2016


  1. Associate deans and community college academic officers will be reviewed within six months of the third anniversary of their first appointment to the position, and at least every five years thereafter, under the criteria prepared by their appropriate supervisor.
  2. Reviews may be conducted at a shorter interval, at the discretion of the appropriate supervisor. In exceptional circumstances, faculty or staff may petition the appropriate supervisor to conduct an administrative review outside of the normal review cycle.
  3. Prior to each review the appropriate supervisor will request a written evaluation of the associate dean or community college executive officer from each faculty and staff member in the unit and obtain any other pertinent input from relevant constituencies (either on campus or off campus).


The appropriate supervisor will do the following:

  1. evaluate the information
  2. create a summary
  3. conduct an evaluation session with the individual being evaluated
  4. share the summary with the relevant faculty and staff
  5. transmit a summary to the provost and chief academic officer



Revision History:

2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 5.06.20