9.81 – Employee Recognition

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: Vice President Administration and Finance
Responsible Administrator: AVP Human Resource Services
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 07/15/2008


New Mexico State University recognizes the most important and valuable asset any organization has is its employees. In appreciation for the dedication and accomplishments of staff members, the Employee Recognition Program (ERP) is established to reward and recognize those who demonstrate the professionalism and behaviors consistent with the mission of NMSU and to celebrate achievements that have an exceptional impact on the organization. Departments, colleges and divisions are encourage to develop their own programs to complement established university -level* programs.

This program is exclusive of merit/performance adjustments provided during the annual salary process.

* Established University – Level Employee Recognition Programs:

  • Patricia Christmore Faculty Teaching Award
  • Fort Bliss Federal Credit Union Award
  • Ralph B. Crouch Award
  • Donald Roush Award
  • Robert L. Westhafer Award
  • Frank Bromilow Staff and Teaching Awards
  • University Research Council Award
  • Stephen W. and Robert E. Roberts Memorial Staff Award
  • Dennis Darnall Award
  • El Paso Energy Award

Additional university-level Employee Recognition Programs may be developed by the Office of Human Resource Services with approval by executive administration.  Programs will be designed to recognize exceptional accomplishments for faculty and staff subject to specific achievement within specified criteria directly attributable to faculty and staff members.

To ensure fairness and equity, all ERP’s must include an application and/or nomination/ recommendation process, defined selection criteria and a process which includes the review and recommendation of a group or a committee. If a donor serves on the committee for which his/her donation is under consideration, the donor must be in the minority of the representation on the committee in order to avoid tax consequences.

All employees must have an equal opportunity to compete for bonuses and awards based on the eligibility criteria of an approved program. The Office of Human Resources will review and approve all departmental ERP’s, with the exception of awards provided from donated funds. Because of the university’s status as a public employer, tax issues and state regulations, rewards are defined as either a bonus or an award.

Exceptions to the following guidelines must be approved by the Office of the provost and chief academic officer.


A bonus is defined as recognition for exceptional performance of duties and responsibilities above and beyond the normal scope of an employee’s assigned duties and responsibilities. A bonus is a one-time payment that is paid from instruction and general (I&G) funds, state appropriations and/or any appropriate restricted or unrestricted funding source. The following guidelines apply to departmental bonus programs:

  1. A minimum of $100.00 (net) up to a maximum of $500.00 (net) may be provided for any individual payment.
  2. More than one recipient per department and/or division may receive a bonus depending upon the availability of funding and eligibility.
  3. Bonuses paid from restricted/unrestricted funds must comply with the granting agency guidelines.
  4. Applicable taxes will be deducted from the gross amount.
  5. Bonuses will be processed using a One Time Payment Request.


An award is recognition of an exceptional achievement, work ethic and/or service which significantly contributes to an organizational unit. Awards may be paid from any appropriate restricted or unrestricted funding source and/or donated funds. The following guidelines apply to departmental bonus programs:

  1. There are no dollar restrictions for awards provided from donated funds.
  2. A minimum of $100.00 (net) up to a maximum of $500.00 (net) may be provided for any individual recipient of an award paid from restricted/unrestricted funds.
  3. More than one recipient per department and/or division may receive an award depending upon the availability of funding and eligibility.
  4. Awards paid from restricted/unrestricted funds must comply with the granting agency guidelines.
  5. To avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest, services or merchandise (or certificates for such) from vendors or other non-university businesses shall not be solicited or accepted as donations by departments for use as awards. As state employees are not entitled to receive gifts, certificates for such awards shall be called “award certificates”.
  6. If donated funds are the source of an award, the Office of University Advancement must be consulted prior to the presentation of the award.
  7. Awards paid from restricted/unrestricted funds and donated funds are taxable and are processed through a One Time Payment Request.

NMSU encourages nomination of faculty and staff for external (non-NMSU) awards. These awards are subject to the granting agency’s criteria and guidelines and will not require a central office review.



Revision History:

2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 8.15.10
07/15/2008 Amendment adoption ratified by Board of Regents
07/08/2008 Amendment approved by Administrative Council