Signature Authority 2015

By policy, the Board of Regents delegates operational authority for the university system to the NMSU System Chancellor. Through this Signature Authority Table, the Chancellor further delegates his authority to approve certain transact ions and to sign on behalf of NMSU. The Table lists the more common types of transactions and the delegation of authority, focusing primarily on transactions w ith entities outside t he NMSU System. For authority to review and approve routine operational transactions internal to the university, See the Business Procedures Manual.

If this Table does not adequately clarify which member of executive management has authority to sign and bind NMSU, the University's General Counsel will determine which official holds such authority. If an official listed in t h is Table has concerns about whether or not NMSU should enter into a particular contract or other transaction, it is also advisable to seek advice from the University's General Counsel.

In addition to the signatories authorized in the Table, the Chancellor may further authorize an additional designee to review, approve and/or sign for an official listed in the Table, during the official's absence, by providing the designee with a statement of authority in a w ritten signed memorandum. Only those NMSU officials identified in the Table and those holding written authorization from the Chancellor are authorized to sign documents on behalf of NMSU, and then, only of the t ypes indicated in the Table or memorandum.


  1. ABAO= Athletic Business Affairs Officer
  2. AC = Associate Controller
  3. AD= Athletic Director
  4. Assoc. Dean= Associate Dean
  5. Asst. VP IA= Asst. VP Institutional Analysis
  6. AVP AF= Assoc. VP Administration and Finance
  7. AVP AUX= Asst. VP of Auxiliary Services
  8. AVP B/C= Assoc. VP Budget and Finance/Controller
  9. AVP/Dep Prov= Assoc Vice President and Deputy Provost
  10. AVP Fae = Assoc. VP, Facilities
  11. AVP IBP= Assoc. Vice Prov lnt' I & Border Programs
  12. AVP HRS= Asst. VP, Human Resource Services
  13. AVP UCOMM =Assoc.VP Univ Communications & Marketing
  14. BOR= Board of Regents
  15. Budg Dir.= Budget Director
  16. Chancellor= NMSU System Chancellor
  17. CCOS= Chancellor's Chief of Staff
  18. CIO= Chief Information Officer
  19. CC Pres= Community College President
  20. D = Deans of colleges, graduate school and library
  21. D/VP= Dean/Vice President or equivalent rank
  22. DH = Academic Department Head
  23. Dir. CPO =Director Purchasing & Materials Management
  24. Dir. HCL= Director of Housing and Campus Life
  25. Dir. HRO = Director of HR Operations
  26. Dir. HRS BNSV = Director of HRS Benefit Services
  27. Dir. OGC= Director of Office of Grants and Contracts
  28. Dir. ORE= Director of the Office of Real Estate
  29. Dir. SE= Director of Special Events
  30. Dir. T/PS =Director of Transportation & Parking Services
  31. EPC = Emergency Planning Committee
  32. EVP/Prov = Exec VP and Provost
  33. Fire Chief= Chief of NMSU Fire Department
  34. FS = Faculty Senate
  35. Mgr. AP = Manager of Accounts Payable
  36. Mgr. BIT= Manager, Banking, Investment & Tax
  37. Police Chief= Chief of NMSU Police Department
  38. SVP AF= Sr. Vice President Administration & Finance
  39. UAC = University Administrative Council
  40. UGC =University General Counsel
  41. U Archt = University Architect
  42. VP R= Vice President Research
  43. VP SAEM = VP Stud Affairs/ Enrollment Management
  44. VP UA= Vice President of University Advancement
Board of Regents Signature Authority table
Board of Regents Signature Authority
Ref # Matter Delegated Authority Signature Designee (Delegation assumes higher level authority within organizational hierarchy can serve as backup) Review Designee or Review Requirement
1 Academic Matters Award of Honorary Degrees   See Policy 6.75
2 Academic Matters Award of Regents' Professorships   EVP/Prov, Chancellor
3 Academic Award of Diplomas for Degrees   Registrar
4 Academic Community College Operating Agreements   CC Pres, UGC, Chancellor
5 Administrative, Legal And Planning New or Revised NMSU Policy   See Policy 1.10
6 Administrative, Legal And Planning Strategic/Master Plans   See Policy 9.05
7 Administrative, Legal And Planning Creating, Reorganizing, Relocating, Eliminating Academic Units, including new degree programs   See Policy 6.05
8 Administrative, Legal And Planning Capital Projects that involves purchase of real property; addition of square footage; proposal to issue bonds; a total project cost > $300,000 (institution FTE enrollment > 1,500); a total project cost > $50,000 (institution FTE enrollment < 1,500); or demolition of an existing building.   See Policy 9.10
9 Administrative, Legal And Planning Amendments to Capital Projects involving a substantial change in size of project of 10% or over 1,000 NASF, whichever is larger; 10% change in the tvpe of purpose; change in total proiect cost of 10% or $100,000, whichever is larger.   See Policy 9.10
10 Administrative, Legal And Planning Appointment of NMSU representatives to public boards as requested or required by law    
11 Administrative, Legal And Planning NMSU Resolutions   UGC, Chancellor, affected parties as appropriate
12 Administrative, Legal And Planning Approval of Naming Requests   See Policy 2.50
13 Contractual Inter-Governmental Joint Powers Agreements   Dean/VP, UGC, EVP/Prov, Chancellor
14 Contractual Real Estate transactions other than those delegated to the Chancellor   ORE, UGC; SVP AF Chancellor See Policy 9.20
15 Financial, Budgetary And Inventory Disposition of Capitalized Equipment   SVP AF
16 Financial, Budgetary And Inventory NMSU Budget Requests and Adjustments Submitted to HED, including Operating Budget, Capital Outlay Plan and RPSP Requests   SVP AF
17 Financial, Budgetary And Inventory Establishment of Housing and Meal Plan Rates   SVP AF
18 Financial, Budgetary And Inventory Establishment of Parking Permit Fees   SVP AF
See Policy 2.95
19 Financial, Budgetary And Inventory Debt instruments   SVP AF, UGC, Chancellor
20 Financial, Budgetary And Inventory Establishment of Tuition and Required Fee Rates   SVP AF, Chancellor, CC Pres
21 Personal Recruitment/Selection and Employment Contract for NMSU System Chancellor/President of NMSU-LC   SVP AF, UGC, AVP HRS
22 Personal Recruitment/Selection and Employment Contract for NMDA Director (also NM Cabinet Secretary)   SVP AF, UGC, AVP HRS
President Signature Authority table
President Signature Authority
Ref # Matter Delegated Authority Signature Designee (Delegation assumes higher level authority within organizational hierarchy can serve as backup) Review Designee or Review Requirement
1 Administrative, Legal, and planning AHEOP (All Hazards Emergency Operations Plan) for each campus; all documents requiring NMSU approval relating to emergency preparedness, consequence and recovery   EPC
See Policy 2 .25
2 Administrative, Legal, and planning Change of an Administrative Department Name   EVP/Provost, AVPHRS
3 Administrative, Legal, and planning Settlement Agreements and Other Documents Resolving Legal claims   UGC
4 Contractual Inter-Agency Police and Fire Mutual Aid Agreements   NMSU Chf PD or NMSU Chf FD, UGC, EPC
5 Contractual Real Estate transactions/easements with term less than 10 years; OR total cost under $100,000 per year.   ORE, UGC, Dir. CPO, SVP AF
See Policy 9.20
6 Personal Recruitment/Selection and Employment Contract for Athletics Director and Coaches w/ annual base salary greater than $100,000   AD, ABAO,UGC, Budg Dir., AVP HRS
Other Signature Authority table
Other Signature Authority
Ref # Matter Delegated Authority Signature Designee (Delegation assumes higher level authority within organizational hierarchy can serve as backup) Review Designee or Review Requirement
1 Academic Academic Affiliation Agreements, Cooperative Agreements (e.g. MOU orMOA) EVP/Prov or CC Pres Dean/VP, UGC
2 Academic International Agreements relating to academic matters EVP/Prov UGC, AVP IBP
3 Administrative, Legal, and Planning Major reorganizations (non-academic) EVP/Prov See Policy 1.15
4 Administrative, Legal, and Planning Trademark and NMSU Logo usage and protection AVP UCOMM  
5 Administrative, Legal, and Planning University Seal usage Chancellor's Chief of Staff  
6 Administrative, Legal, and Planning KRWG TV Operating and Licensing Agreements not involving payment of funds AVP UCOMM  
7 Administrative, Legal, and Planning Acceptance of Service of Process and Pleadings (on behalf of Board of Regents or other NMSU officials named in official capacity) UGC See Policy 2.40
8 Contractual Procurement Contracts under $20,000, including issuance of Purchase Orders Dir. CPO Dean/VP/CC Pres or equivalent
9 Contractual Procurement Contracts > $20,000 (includes issuance of purchase orders) and Construction Awards, including right to terminate construction project contract
* if construction award
SVP AF Dean/VP/CC Pres or equivalent, Dir.CPO, AVP Fac *
See Policy 9.10
10 Contractual Proposals for grant or externally funded projects (sponsored projects) *only if involves voluntary cost share or matching funds from central funding VPR Dean/VP, SVP AF*, EVP/Prov*
11 Contractual Post-Award grants and other externally funded contracts (sponsored projects) *only if involves voluntary cost share or matching funds from central funding VPR's designee SVP AF*, EVP/Prov*
12 Contractual Cooperative Agreements, MDU's and MDA's with other university or governmental entities THAT ARE NOT police/fire mutual aid agreements, nor support academic proarams (for those, see below) SVP AF Dean/VP, UGC
13 Contractual Entertainment Contracts managed by Office of Special Events AVP AUX Dir Spec Events, Dir.CPO
14 Contractual Athletic Game Contracts AD ABAO; UGC; Budg Dir.
15 Contractual Chemical purchase and use agreements required by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms D/VP DH, Dir.EHS
16 Contractual NMSU Facility Use Rental Agreements D/VP, if univ template used AVP AF if other form of Agr UGC, AC
17 Financial, Budgetary, and Inventory Bank Checks SVP AF  
18 Financial, Budgetary, and Inventory Electronic Wire or ACH Tran sf er of Bank Funds 1 signature from: SVP AF, AVP SIC, AC or Mgr. BIT  
19 Financial, Budgetary, and Inventory Electronic Wire or ACH Transfer of Bank Funds greater than $1 Million * requires 2 signatures * 2 signatures from: SVP AF, AVP B/C, AC or Mgr. BIT  
20 Financial, Budgetary, and Inventory Investments-Day to Day Management AC or Mgr BIT AVP AF, Controller
21 Financial, Budgetary, and Inventory Investments - Day to Day Management greater than $1 Million * requires 2 signatures * 2 signatures from: SVP AF, AVP B/C, AC or Mgr. BIT  
22 Financial, Budgetary, and Inventory Direct Deposits of Payroll via ACH Dir. HRO  
23 Financial, Budgetary, and Inventory Direct Deposits of Accounts Payable via ACH Mgr.AP  
24 Financial, Budgetary, and Inventory nvestment Decisions SVP AF AVP AF, Controller
See Policy 2.37
25 Financial, Budgetary, and Inventory Tax Documents SVP AF  
26 Financial, Budgetary, and Inventory Federal surplus property acquisition AC Dir.CPO
27 Financial, Budgetary, and Inventory Receipt of Federal Appropriations EVP/Prov  
28 Financial, Budgetary, and Inventory Debt Instruments for Community Colleges Cognizant CC Pres and external parties  
29 Personal Employee Benefit(s) Documents AVP HRS as designee of Chancellor HRS Dir. BNSV,SVP AF, UGC
30 Personal Recruitment/Selection and Employment Contract for Athletics Coaches w/ annual base salary less than $100,000 SVP AF ABAO, AD, UGC, Budg Dir., AVP HRS

This information was reviewed and approved by Garrey E. Carruthers, Chancellor, on June 24, 2015.