12.65 – Fleet Asset Management

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: Vice President Administration and Finance
Responsible Administrator: Director Auxiliary Operations
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 08/22/2011


  1.  “Vehicle” refers to any vehicle or device that is propelled by an internal combustion engine, electric or other power that is used or may be used on the roadway for the purpose of transporting persons or property, including connected trailers.
  2. NMSU Entity” refers to a department or other administrative unit within an NMSU college or campus, including but not limited to the library, extension service, and experiment stations. Private not-for-profit corporations affiliated with NMSU for fundraising, research, public service, or student activity purposes, while possibly subject to follow applicable NMSU policy, rules and procedures to maintain their recognized status, are not “NMSU entities”.


  1. Vehicle Assignment ARP 12.66
  2. New Mexico State University Business Procedures Manual, “Procurement Services Office Chapter 4, Section 45. Vehicles
  3. NMSU Vehicle Use Procedures


  1. Authority and Responsibilities: The director of transportation and parking services is responsible for planning, coordinating, implementing, and enforcing the Fleet Asset Management Program. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
    1. Serving as the central point of contact for NMSU fleet management, reporting vehicle data, responding to inquiries about vehicles, processing addition/replacement requests, and ensuring compliance with federal, state and university policies and procedures, as they relate to the vehicles operated by the university;
    2. Coordinating fleet management decisions regarding acquisition and replacement, maintenance and repair, utilization, and vehicle disposal;
    3. Reviewing reported inappropriate use of university vehicles;
    4. Reviewing departmental vehicles surrendered for either, interdepartmental transfer or disposal by the NMSU property office;
    5. Maintaining current information relating to manufacturer recall notices, safety issues, industry “best practices” and responding in order to maintain safety.
  2. Acquisition and Use: The purchase or acquisition of vehicles shall be consistent with the purchasing or other applicable law or regulations of the State of New Mexico.  In order to facilitate the university’s mission, the following methods are offered to obtain vehicles:
    1. Vehicle Purchases. All new or used vehicle acquisitions will be made by the Procurement Services Office, after approval by the director of transportation and parking services.
    2. An NMSU Entity interested in the purchase or acquisition of a new vehicle will prepare and submit a completed Vehicle Acquisition Request form to the director of transportation and parking services that includes the following:
      1. Signature approval by the vice president or dean responsible for the unit or department where the vehicle will be assigned;
      2. Explanation of the purpose(s) and proposed use of the vehicle;
      3. Type of vehicle required;
      4. Identification of the vehicle to be traded in or replaced, if applicable;
      5. Location where the vehicle will be placed into service.
    3. The director of transportation and parking services will review the request and ensure the overall authorized number of university fleet vehicles is not exceeded by the acquisition.
    4. Surplus/Excess Vehicles: The director of transportation and parking services will review and approve requests to acquire surplus vehicles through the State Surplus Office or directly from other state agencies prior to acquisition.
      1. An NMSU Entity interested in acquisition of a surplus/excess vehicle will prepare and submit a completed Vehicle Acquisition Request form to the director of transportation and parking services.
      2. The director of transportation and parking services will review the request and ensure the overall authorized number of university fleet vehicles is not exceeded by the acquisition.
      3. Acquisition of vehicles through Federal Excess Property programs must follow the same process as surplus/excess vehicle acquisition. Vehicles acquired through Federal Excess Property Programs remain the property of the federal government and are on loan to the college or unit authorized to acquire federal excess property. This property is governed by federal regulation and the sole responsibility of the college or unit to which it is assigned.
      4. The director of transportation and parking services is responsible for ensuring the evaluation of all newly acquired vehicles to assess their condition, road worthiness, and safety. The director will forward appropriate recommendations, as may be necessary, for repairs and/or to ensure the vehicle complies with university standards prior to possession by the NMSU Entity.
      5. All costs for the vehicle acquisitions, to include screening, transportation costs, and associated maintenance costs, will be borne by the department or unit where the vehicle is assigned
    5. Vehicle Rental: To satisfy the university’s short-term vehicle requirements, the Office of Transportation and Parking Services operates a rental fleet of vehicles which originate on the Las Cruces campus.
    6. Interdepartmental Transfers: All interdepartmental vehicle transfers shall be approved in advance by the director of transportation and parking services. NMSU Entities interested in an intra-university transfer or acquisition shall submit a completed Vehicle Acquisition Request form to the director of transportation and parking services.
    7. If the acquisition is approved by the director of transportation and parking services, the acquiring department will then complete an Inventory Change Form and forward it to the Office of Administration and Finance. The Office of Administration and Finance will forward the form to the director of transportation and parking services, who will arrange for the inspection of the vehicle, and for any additional action needed.
  3. Vehicle Replacement Criteria: The director of transportation and parking services will review, modify or establish, as appropriate, vehicle replacement criteria using industry best practices, including life-cycle cost analysis, in order to develop cost effective replacement of vehicles.
  4. Alternative Fuel Program: The State of New Mexico mandates that seventy-five percent (75%) of all vehicles purchased or leased by state agencies or institutions of higher education be capable of using an alternative fuel or are a hybrid (gas/electric) type of vehicle. See NMSA 1978, § 13-1 B-3(A). It is the responsibility of the director of transportation and parking services to report on compliance with these state requirements, as well as with any applicable federal requirements.
  5. Maintenance: A preventative maintenance program is paramount to protecting the university’s fleet investment and ensuring the university’s vehicles are managed in a safe, cost-effective manner. The director of transportation and parking services will establish maintenance schedules defined by the manufacturer or in accordance with industry accepted practices. Each department is responsible for following the prescribed preventative maintenance schedule for each vehicle assigned to that department.



ARP 12.66 – Vehicle Assignments

Revision History:

2017 Recompilation, formerly Rule 9.34
08/22/2011 Amendment approved by Board of Regents
07/20/2010 Adoption of amendment approved by Board of Regents
06/08/2010 Amendment approved by Administrative Council
09/08/2006 Policy adoption ratified by Board of Regents
09/13/2005 Policy approved by Administrative Council