2.44 - Associated Students of New Mexico State University (“ASNMSU”)

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Responsible Administrator: Vice President for Student Success and Enrollment Management
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 03/13/2019


In accordance with Regents Policy Manual (RPM) 2.44, all students enrolled in programs at the NMSU Las Cruces campus and who pay the ASNMSU Fee are members of the Associated Students of New Mexico State University (“ASNMSU”). The ASNMSU government is divided into the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Members of the legislative branch (student senate) are elected; the offices of president and vice president are elected. Members of the judicial branch are nominated by the president of ASNMSU and confirmed by the ASNMSU Senate.

The ASNMSU Constitution and Law Book establish the organization and responsibilities of ASNMSU.  ASNMSU funds must be expended and accounted for, and activities conducted, in accordance with university policies and administrative rules and procedures.  ASNMSU supervises the budgeting and expenditure of:   all activity monies allocated to ASNMSU; the Continuing Diversity Board, the College Councils, the Student Advocacy Board and other similar boards and committees.  ASNMSU accounts are managed by the ASNMSU Comptroller’s Office, under the supervision of the university’s Office and Administration and Finance.

The dean of students and the Student Legal Aid Program attorney serve as advisors to ASNMSU.  VP of Student Success and Enrollment Management, in cooperation with student leaders and other appropriate university officials provide advice and guidance regarding university policy, rules and procedures as necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of ASNMSU and the university.


Students who meet the criteria below and who are either: (a) elected to ASNMSU student senate in a campus-wide, student body election, (b) elected by their respective college councils as a semester-long appointee to fill a vacant ASNMSU student senate position, or (c) appointed to serve as the student regent on the NMSU Board of Regents, are eligible each semester to receive a financial award amounting to at least 75 percent of the dollar value of an academic semester in-state tuition and fees scholarship. This financial award is subject to the conditions and processes governing all financial aid awards administered by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Services.

  1. Criteria for Initial and Continuing Award of Leadership Scholarship:
    1. Undergraduate students must have an overall grade point average of at least 2.5 and, in the semester previous to taking office, have successfully completed 15 or more graded credits with at least a 2.5 grade point average.
    2. Graduate students must have an overall grade point average of at least a 3.5 and have, in the semester previous to taking office, successfully completed 9 or more credits.
    3. Undergraduate students must be currently enrolled in at least 15 credits and graduate students in at least 9 credits to remain eligible for existing and future awards.
  2. Criteria for Renewal Award of Leadership Scholarship:
    1. Undergraduate students must have an overall grade point average of at least 2.5, have successfully completed 15 credit hours the previous semester, and be currently enrolled in at least 15 credits.
    2. Graduate students must have an overall grade point average of at least 3.5, have successfully completed 9 or more credit hours the previous semester, and be currently enrolled in at least 9 credits.
  3. Removal from Office: Removal from the office for cause pursuant to the Law Book, prior to completion of the semester, voids any award made for that semester and holds the student liable for repayment of the amount awarded.


The following applies to clarify the permissible uses of ASNMSU funds.

  1. Purpose of ASNMSU Endowment: The ASNMSU Endowment was established to provide stable funding for chartered student organizations. (See https://studentlife.nmsu.edu/crimson-connection/) The income earned from this endowment may be allocated to chartered organizations to provide consistent funding, independent of the financial condition of the ASNMSU.
  2. Deposits: Funds will be deposited to the endowment fund each semester through an allocation of required fees. The amount allocated each year will be determined through the required fee approval process, with a minimum annual allocation of $25,000.
  3. Endowment Management: The ASNMSU Endowment will be a permanently treated endowed fund of the NMSU Foundation, Inc. The principal shall be invested and reinvested in a common investment trust fund for endowments in accordance with the investment policies of the Foundation. The principal shall remain permanently invested and must not be withdrawn without approval from the Board of Regents. Income earned from the ASNMSU Endowment shall annually be transferred to the ASNMSU account in the student account business office according to NMSU Foundation operational protocols.
  4. Withdrawals: Subject to Section E. below, the ASNMSU senate, by a simple majority, may withdraw funds from the ASNMSU Account to allocate funds to chartered student organizations and to NMSU course participants to assist with related expenses (e.g. competitions representing NMSU) for the benefit of students. This shall be done through the normal appropriations process.
  5. Transfers: The ASNMSU senate, by a 3/4 vote, may transfer money out of the ASNMSU Account to the Activity Surplus Account or the Major Expense Fund, providing the July 1 balance of the ASNMSU Account remains at a minimum of $20,000. An amount no greater than the July 1 balance minus $20,000 can be transferred. This shall be done through normal appropriation methods.


The executive staff of ASNMSU, under the direction of the ASNMSU elected officials, serve the NMSU student body by providing not only a wide variety of resources, but also activities (e.g. concerts, annual bonfire, guest speakers) and services (e.g. Crimson Cab, airport shuttle, legal aid) for the benefit of students.  To make such activities and services available, as a university department, ASNMSU must comply with applicable university policies, rules and procedures governing their operations, including but not limited to the university’s policies, rules and procedures governing non-discrimination, procurement and contract signature authority, mileage and per diem for university related travel, sales and solicitation on campus, free expression. See https://arp.nmsu.edu/  and https://fbs.nmsu.edu/bpm/index.html.



ARP 2.44 Associated Students of New Mexico State University (“ASNMSU”)

Revision History:

03/13/2019 approved by Chancellor; 05/10/2019 approved by Board of Regents