7.01 – Staff Compensation

Policy Details

Responsible Executive: Vice President Administration and Finance
Responsible Administrator: AVP Human Resource Services
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 10/13/2020


Consistent with the delegation of authority to the president by the regents of New Mexico State University (NMSU), and subject to funds availability as authorized by the Board of Regents and approved by the president, this rule is adopted:

  1. To establish the university’s compensation principles by which the university commits to hire and retain qualified, motivated staff at all levels, to meet the university’s mission, goals and objectives. (See Cross References for rules related to faculty compensation)
  2. To authorize Human Resource Services, with the concurrence of the Office of the President, to establish and maintain the university’s compensation operating guidelines, including compensation programs and pay plans based on 1) fairness and internal equity, 2) connecting performance to pay; 3) achievement of organizational goals and 4) competitiveness with comparable positions at the university’s peer institutions;
  3. To require Human Resource Services to publish the compensation programs, pay plans and operational compensation guidelines necessary to implement this rule at https://hr.nmsu.edu or other appropriate website advertised for said purpose;
  4. To clarify the roles and responsibilities of the president, the AVP-HRS, HR ECS Team Partner, HR Liaison, Executive Management, Managers and Supervisors relating to the fair and equitable compensation of NMSU staff; and
  5. To authorize Human Resource Services as the university’s representative for issues pertaining to compliance with applicable employment laws and regulations pertaining to employee compensation.


Defined terms are capitalized to denote that the term is defined for purposes of this rule.

  1. Executive Management: Executive Management refers to all positions that report directly to either the president or to the president of NMSU.
  2. HR Team Partner: An Employment & Compensation (ECS) Team Partner is assigned to each college and division within NMSU. The ECS Team Partner assigned assists with inquiries regarding employment and compensation.
  3. HR Liaison: Each college and division appoints one of their employees to serve as the communication link about human resource matters between Human Resource Services and its units, and the various Managers, Supervisors and employees within their college or division.
  4. Manager: An individual who oversees the operations and work of a department or unit and may manage one or more Supervisors and/or employees.
  5. Staff: Staff is a general term encompassing employees who are not faculty, and who support the educational, research and service programs of the university. Staff employees excludes faculty and academic department heads (See Cross References for rules relating to faculty compensation), but includes academic administrators such as the president, Chancellor – NMSU System Community College, provost, associate and assistant provosts.
  6. Supervisor: An individual who oversees another person or activity to ensure the satisfaction of certain standards and task outcomes.


  1. Compensation Precepts: The university recognizes the importance in compensating its Staff in a manner than is fair, internally equitable, externally competitive and connects pay to performance. The assistance vice president of Human Resource Services works with Executive Management and all Managers and Supervisors to effectuate these compensation precepts described briefly below, as well as to inform the members of the university community affected by them.
    1. Fairness: The university will provide compensation plans and programs which are fair to the individual employee and to the university;
    2. Internal Equity: A criterion of fairness, the university will maintain internal pay equities based on each position’s relative value to the organization, the job duties of the position, and the Staff member’s education, experience, and skills in such position;
    3. Externally Competitive: The university’s compensation programs and pay plans will facilitate the recruitment and retention of qualified employees for all Staff job classifications.  The university’s goal is for its total compensation programs and pay plans to competitive with those offered by local and regional employers (typically southwestern USA);
    4. Performance Planning and Feedback: The university will provide feedback to each Staff member, for the purpose of identifying skills and abilities necessary for the Staff member to be successful in their job. The feedback may be gathered through a common administrative review process or as otherwise determined by Human Resource Services;
    5. Administrative Systems: The university will utilize administrative systems which systematically and effectively manage pay throughout the NMSU system, as well as maintain the flexibility needed to effectively meet the university’s needs, as may be warranted by changed circumstances caused by the dynamic environment.
    6. Transparent Communication: The university commits to transparency in the maintenance of its compensation programs and pay plans and associated processes.  Internal NMSU communications and training efforts will support a general understanding of the university’s various compensation programs and pay plans for NMSU Staff.
    7. Linked Performance and Pay: The university will consider individual performance, organizational performance, and the needs of the university in making decisions affecting Staff compensation.
  2. Maintenance of Compensation Operational Guidelines: With the concurrence of the president, the assistant vice president of Human Resource Services, establishes, maintains or amends the university’s compensation operational guidelines, including compensation programs and pay plans, consistent with this rule.
  3. Transparency about Compensation Programs, Pay Plans and Processes: Human Resource Services, through its Employment & Compensation unit, will provide initial training after the adoption of this rule, and as part of the new hire orientation for Executive Management, Managers and Supervisors, with updates provided on a periodic or as needed basis.


  1. Role of President: The president ensures the budgetary capacity for all compensation plans and programs, including seeking and obtaining approval from the regents of NMSU. The president works with the assistant vice president for Human Resource Services to provide leadership and guidance relating to the options presented. The NMSU administration supports Human Resource Services in requiring Executive Management, Managers, Supervisors and HR Liaisons to comply with this rule and associated compensation operational guidelines, and to receive information and training materials to facilitate implementation.
  2. Role of Assistant Vice President for Human Resource Services: The delegation of authority to the primary administrator of this rule is outlined above. The role of Human Resource Services, primarily through Employment & Compensation, is to assist the colleges and divisions (through the assigned ECS Team Partner) in their implementation of the university’s compensation operational guidelines. Human Resource Services, through Employment & Compensation will oversee periodic reviews and updates of this rule and compensation operational guidelines, as well as periodically conduct compensation practices studies relevant to determine competitiveness of the university’s compensation programs and pay plans.
  3. Role of HR Liaisons: The HR Liaisons facilitate the communication between Human Resource Services and their assigned ECS Team Partner, and their college or division’s Managers, Supervisors and employees. HR Liaisons help to expedite the distribution of HRS’ announcements, initiatives and other directives and assist in the processing of human resources actions.
  4. Role of Executive Management, Managers and Supervisors: The Executive Management, Managers and Supervisors are collectively and individually responsible for applying the compensation operational guidelines issued and published by Human Resource Services at https://hr.nmsu.edu in a fair, equitable and professional manner. Questions and concerns on particular topics should be coordinated with the appropriate HR Liaison or ECS Team Partner.