The Administrative Rules and Procedures (“ARP”) is the collection of NMSU system operational policies, which includes rules and procedures duly adopted through the formal process authorized by the Board of Regents in Policy 1.10, Regents Policy Manual (“RPM”).  This process includes development, vetting by stakeholders and the university community, review, and decision by the President to approve or disapprove.  

The ARP’s purpose is to set and communicate the operational policies by which the Regents’ overarching policies are to be implemented, in furtherance of the efficient and effective management of the institution, and consistent with principles of shared governance.  The policies set forth in this ARP constitute NMSU policy, provided such policies are consistent with the RPM.  In the event of any inconsistency, the provisions of the RPM are controlling.  The “NMSU System”, includes all campuses and offices, faculty, staff, and students, unless otherwise indicated.  

In addition to the ARP, additional regulations related to matters uniquely within the jurisdiction of the issuing unit are authorized (Other Regulations).  A listing of links to those additional regulations can be found on the University General Counsel (UGC) Web site.  In the event of any inconsistency between any of the Other Regulations and the RPM or the ARP, the terms of the RPM and ARP are controlling. Inquiries should be directed to

Chapter 1 | Institutional Governance
Chapter 6 | HR – Hiring, Work Rules and Assignments
Chapter 8 | HR-Benefits
Chapter 9 | HR – Performance Evaluation, Promotion and Tenure
Chapter 16 | Safety and Risk Management